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— Chapter Seventeen —

Gasping into the kiss, Donghyuck arched his back as he felt Mark's cold hand creep around his waist. Mark took Donghyuck's open mouth as an invitation to insert his tongue. Donghyuck let him take the lead, knowing he wouldn't stand a chance against Mark when it came to dominance.

The familiar heat in his stomach made Donghyuck jittery as he tugged at Mark's hair. The latter pulled him only closer, Donghyuck now almost being in his lap. Feeling the cold fingers dig into his skin, Donghyuck let out a groan and detached his lips from Mark's to catch a breath.

"Aren't you desperate? Opening your mouth for hyung so well." Mark sneered. His hair looked all disheveled again and some strands were falling into his eyes. Donghyuck pushed them away and cupped Mark's cheeks, loving the feeling of the man's hot breath fanning all over his face. If he hadn't had them before Donghyuck now certainly had butterflies in his stomach and quietly whined at Mark's words.

"So desperate, hyung. I need you!" he cried out. Mark chuckled and questioned "You need me?"

With an eager nod as a response Mark smirked and told Donghyuck "Then work for it. Make me feel good and I'll fuck you until your leg won't be the only reason you can't walk anymore."

Mark's words went straight to Donghyuck's dick. He gulped before pecking Mark's lips one last time before tilting his head slightly to kiss the older's neck. Mark just let him do his thing, heavily breathing and occasionally letting out quiet whispers of need and want.

Mark's skin was warm but Donghyuck's lips were warmed. He started giving kitten licks to the side of Mark's neck before finally sucking on the skin. Mark's grip around his waist tightened? telling Donghyuck that he was doing everything right.

"You taste so good, hyung." he mumbled against the older's skin and a moan escaped Mark's mouth. He whispered lowly "I bet so do you. How about I eat your ass out after you're done giving me a boner, huh?"

Donghyuck gulped. He had no idea what it would feel like but something about that made it even more thrilling. So he only nodded obediently and went back to sucking on Mark's skin, giving the bruises small kitten licks afterwards.

He wiggled his hips slightly and Mark let go so Donghyuck could finally move lower, letting his tongue trace over Mark's defined chest and stomach. Mark leaned back onto his elbows, making it easier for Donghyuck to kiss and lick every part of his skin. And the younger did just that, whispering small words of need in between. In the end he was so desperate for Mark that he just lowered his head down completely and kissed the tip of Mark's still clothed cock. It was semi-hard but Donghyuck knew with just a few licks Mark would be rock-hard.

He pulled down Mark's boxers, letting the man's boner spring free. He looked up at Mark's face, the older man observing his every move with lidded eyes.

"Can I?" Donghyuck asked and Mark's chest visibly vibrated as he laughed "Sure, you can baby. Make hyung feel real good and I will do the same for you."

Donghyuck nodded and took Mark's length in his hands. Keeping eye contact he started giving Mark's tip a few butterfly kisses. Obviously his actions were too slow for the black-haired man as he rutted his hips up and ordered coldly "Suck me now or else..."

The sudden drop in his voice caught Donghyuck off guard and so he immediately obeyed, spitting onto Mark's dick to lube it up a little before taking it in his mouth.

By now Mark was completely hard. Donghyuck knew that even if he deep-throated there was no way all of Mark would fit. He tried his best however, hollowing his cheeks and suppressing his gag reflex.

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