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— Chapter Eighteen —

A loud thunder woke both of them up simultaneously. Donghyuck groaned, feeling every part of his body hurt. Mark stood up and went outside, gathering a few things before the big water drops started to fall.

He then went back into the cave where he took the fur as a blanket and wrapped himself and Donghyuck into it. Their bodies barely fit but neither of them cared.

"Donghyuck?" the older asked quietly. Donghyuck hummed. He had his eyes still closed, not yet wanting to let go of the sweet darkness surrounding him.

The rain started to fall and Donghyuck had never found the cave more cozy than now. Probably because Mark was next to him. The man was slightly sitting up, his elbows holding him up. Donghyuck scrunched his nose and opened his eyes.

"Lay back down." he ordered. Mark tilted his head at him and didn't do what Donghyuck asked of him so the latter laid his head on Mark's chest, ignoring the pain running through his body.

Because Donghyuck's head was heavy Mark's body automatically laid back down. The older let out a small laugh but didn't complain. Instead his hand went to Donghyuck's head, running his fingers through his hair.

In content with the situation, Donghyuck sighed and buried his face in Mark's chest. He smelled the slight smell of sweat but Mark's personal scent predominated it. Donghyuck could never exactly pinpoint Mark's smell, he guessed nobody could. But to him personally, he loved the older's scent.

"I'm guessing I'm your pillow for today?" Mark asked with a chuckle. Donghyuck nodded his head, hair moving against Mark's fingers.

"You owe me that much after yesterday." he mumbled and Mark hummed "True. It was good, wasn't it?"

"Probably the best sex I've ever had." Donghyuck agreed. He moved his legs to entangle them with Mark's, now basically being the man's blanket.

"Same here. God, you should've heard your moans and desperate pleas. It was too cute." Mark said. Donghyuck became shy, hiding his face even more in Mark's chest to not let the other see his blush.

"My legs hurts like hell now though and my ass too." he replied, hissing afterwards as if to prove his words.

"That's your own fault. I wanted to prep you more but you said no." Mark told him. Donghyuck knew he was right, he had begged Mark to just fuck him.

"Have you ever done something like this before?" he asked, feeling curious. Only know he realised how little he actually knew about Mark. Sure, they had faced tons of problems on their own and together but never had they taken time to actually get to know each other. Donghyuck knew Mark's kinks and turn-ons but he had no idea about Mark's life outside of this island.

"No, I haven't. Not with a man." Mark admitted.

"But with a woman?" Donghyuck's head perked up. He looked at Mark who gave him a somewhat bittersweet smile.

"No, not with a woman either. I mean I have had sex with a woman before but that was in no way comparable to yesterday. What about you though?"

"Same here. I have never particularly been interested in women or men. Though I only slept with women up until now. It was just... normal I guess. Everyone my age had sex with woman so I did the same. I didn't know sex with men could be pleasurable too." Donghyuck explained.

"Okay but what about your girlfriends? What did you do then?" Mark asked him. Donghyuck shrugged and laid his head back down.

"I've never had one. My dad kept me busy from the day I graduated so I never had the time nor anyone that I was interested in." he said.

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