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— Chapter Fourteen —

Donghyuck felt awkward. So incredibly awkward. And he knew so was Mark. They glanced at each other from time to time, Donghyuck not being able to resist looking at Mark.

The rain was still pouring outside. Donghyuck listened to the noise with closed eyes. He was thinking of his drawing on the cave wall that was now gone. He sighed and took a few deep breaths. The noise was so calming unlike Donghyuck's thoughts which were racing.

Him and Mark had well... It wasn't really sex but it definitely wasn't no sex either. Whatever it was, it had caused Donghyuck to have one of the best orgasms of his life. Mark and him might not be the most compatible when it came to personality but their bodies had that exact missing chemistry. Their needs were easily fulfilled by each other and Donghyuck was surprised by how kinky Mark was. Not that he minded. He had never known of his kinks up until now and just thinking of Mark's lewd actions and words made him feel squirmy again.

Unlike Donghyuck's mind, his body was tired. To no surprise as the trip to the waterfall as well as everything that happened after had strained his muscles and he could feel his almost healed off wound slightly hurting. It wasn't bad and he knew it would go away but it was still uncomfortable.

He continued breathing steadily, keeping his eyes closed. The noise of the rain that was hitting the ground just a few meters was luring him to sleep. His body was almost asleep too, it was just Donghyuck's mind that was keeping him up.

He shuddered, his body automatically forming goosebumps on his skin. The rain would always cool down the hot air that was now so familiar to him. On some days he barely even felt the heat anymore, that's how normal it had gotten. Besides both him and Mark were walking around sparsely dressed at all times so the topic of clothing wasn't an issue.

Speaking of clothing, Donghyuck really wished he would be wearing some more. He hadn't put on his shirt as the rain had caught them off guard so now he was freezing. But he didn't, couldn't actually, move his body as his muscles refused to move.

He heard Mark move in the cave but didn't open his eyes. Maybe if he kept them closed for long enough, Mark would assume he was asleep so there would be no more awkwardness in the air.

Suddenly the air around him grew warmer. Donghyuck had almost flinched when he heard Mark let out a sigh right in front of him. However he stayed still, his eyes closed. He was curious as to what Mark was about to do.

He heard the sound of a knife scraping over stone. Donghyuck's heart started to thump quickly as it beat against his rib cage. Was this the moment? Was Mark going to kill him? He had threatened it all the time but now hearing the knife so close to him, Donghyuck couldn't help but take Mark's threats a bit more serious than he had done back then.

Mark let out another sigh, this time close to a groan and Donghyuck almost automatically furrowed his eyebrows. What the hell was Mark doing?

The answer came just a few seconds later when Donghyuck felt his body getting engulfed my something warm and fluffy. It was another animal fur, now draped over Donghyuck like a blanket. The man couldn't help but intuitively wiggle more into the warmth. He heard Mark chuckle and suddenly felt the older's arms around him.

Donghyuck let out a quiet yelp but Mark must've overheard it. After all the rain was quite noisy. With the blanket over his body, Donghyuck automatically held onto Mark who was carrying him like he was nothing. Donghyuck felt the man's firm chest against his body and his cheeks heated up. He knew it was ridiculous after what they had done but Mark could still fluster him regardless.

"So stupid, falling asleep in the cold." Mark whispered. It confirmed Donghyuck's suspicions that Mark was thinking that he was asleep. He didn't go against them and if he was honest with himself he didn't want to either. Feeling so warm and cozy with the blanket and Mark's arms carrying him, he just enjoyed it until Mark laid him down onto what he presumed to be the bed.

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