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— Chapter Six —

Donghyuck stirred in his sleep. Well, not really sleep. He constantly slipping in and out of consciousness, trying his best to let the all welcoming and warm darkness overtake him.

Sadly his body disagreed and after half an hour Donghyuck sighed and forced his body to sit upright, leaning against the wall. He blinked several times to get his eyes used to the brightness.

He shifted once and suddenly felt something warm in his stomach. Whispering a small "Oh no", he looked down. Yup, he had a morning wood.

He let out a few swears under his breath but decided not to mind it too much. From experience he knew it would go away in about twenty minutes and for the mean time he could already get started with his day.

Speaking of day, it had barely even begun. The sun was barely rising over the trees when Donghyuck stepped out of the plane. As always in the morning, the man's eyes scanned the whole area. Squinting his eyes, he saw something unusual at the beach.

And just now he remembered last night's events. The loud noises, Mark coming out of the jungle, the fight if one could call it that. Donghyuck waded through the shallow water until his feet met the dry sand.

Mark was awake as well but hadn't noticed Donghyuck yet. The older man's back was turned to the shore as he was fiddling with something in his hands.

Donghyuck debated if he should go up to Mark or not. He knew if he started a conversation, the man would be annoyed but on the other side it would also be the only human interaction he would get in a while most likely.

"Mr. Lee?" he called out, voice weak and hoarse from just having woken up. Mark's head whipped around, he had obviously been caught off guard. Donghyuck had almost laughed at the man's surprised face however he didn't even get the chance since Mark's face turned cold within seconds of recognising Donghyuck.

"What?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing. I just.." Donghyuck trailed off. He actually had not planned any conversation, just assuming a fight was bound to happen.

Mark scoffed and turned back around. His voice was low as he mumbled "I'll be gone. Give me a minute and the beach is all yours again."

"Right." Donghyuck said awkwardly. He didn't feel like insulting Mark right now. Neither did he feel like fighting. He just wanted a normal conversation but with Mark's annoyed face he didn't think it would be a good idea.

"You got a boner by the way." Mark commented casually.

"Yeah, I know. Morning wood." Donghyuck replied. He didn't bother to ask why Mark looked down there. He was just wearing short shorts that were hiding nothing, same for Mark. If the older had a boner, Donghyuck would see it instantly too.

"Why is your face so bruised?" the younger asked. He craved for any conversation, especially if it was peaceful. Mark however didn't seem to feel the same as he grunted and then gave Donghyuck an annoyed look.

"What do you think? That I'm just laying around in the jungle, playing with pudus? Some of us are out here working for their survival." he said coldly.

"God, I'm so tired of you. You're always trying to start shit." Donghyuck voiced his thoughts. He started to feel irritated with Mark again, the man always searching for a fight.

Indeed Mark scoffed and now asked sarcastically "I'm the one always starting shit?"

Donghyuck just hummed, watching him. Mark walked up to him and Donghyuck had to take a step back or else Mark's gun would've met the skin torso.

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