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— Chapter Nineteen —

The hut became their home. To Donghyuck more than to Mark who was still visiting the cave every now and then but Donghyuck loved the hut. In contrast to the cave it was much bigger and less cramped. Also sometimes the separated rooms did really help, especially if one of them wanted to sleep and the other didn't.

Still it would occur that they slept together. It became kind of a habit, neither of them mentioning it. It was like every night they somehow felt incomplete without the other. At times Donghyuck couldn't even fall asleep without cuddling Mark despite both of them heavily sweating in their sleep due to the heat.

But because of that heat they would also bath together. And each time Donghyuck ended up staring at Mark. Everything about the man was so perfect and Donghyuck just wanted to get wrecked by him but it seemed as Mark was not reciprocating those feelings. He kept his distance while in the water and Donghyuck was scared he had done something wrong.

When on the way back to the hut he was about to speak up and voice his thoughts, Mark did it first. However he didn't say anything related to his behaviour but instead said "I found a cave yesterday that leads somewhere. You want to come with me and explore it?"

"Sure." Donghyuck nodded. He bit his lips, debating on whether to tell Mark but again the man cut him off "I'll take my gun and you take your knife. We can never be careful enough."

"I will." and he decided to not speak up. It was Mark's choice whether he wanted to sleep with Donghyuck or not. And maybe he just didn't. While that would be shitty for Donghyuck, he would respect Mark's choice.

The two got ready, dressing in shirts and shorts after arriving back at the hut. Mark got his gun and Donghyuck could see that they weren't many bullets left. Not that it really mattered but it was a sign of how long they had been here already.

"Are you ready?" Mark asked. Donghyuck hummed and the two made their way through the jungle, Mark guiding Donghyuck. They soon found the cave entrance and stepped inside. It was smaller than their cave, more narrow as well. Both of them had to duck to move forward.

"Are you purposely walking behind me to see my ass?" Donghyuck asked, just jokingly but let out a squeak when Mark actually slapped it.

"Maybe." he joked back and both of them laughed. It was a little scary though as they were moving in an almost complete darkness. That was until a light shimmer of sun broke through the darkness. They quickly walked forward until they stepped out of the cave.

"Wow." both of them exclaimed. Before them was a huge waterfall, dropping down from the top of the hill. It looked like the inside of a volcano almost except instead of lava there were the most exotic plants Donghyuck had ever seen. Flowers in any colour imaginable, the water from the waterfall flowing down making the area very foggy.

"Holy shit." Donghyuck mumbled, totally stunned as his eyes travelled over the huge, green trees, the vines and the flowers ranking up the tree trunks. The thicket was so dense that there was no way they could make their way to the waterfall but still the two looked around a little.

"Stay by my side." Mark instructed. Donghyuck rolled his eyes, telling the man "I can protect myself, you know."

"Sure, you can." Mark snorted and Donghyuck gave him a look. He felt a little irritated with the man.

"Look." Mark exclaimed, pointing at a beautiful flowers. He walked over there but Donghyuck didn't follow, instead he made his way to a small swamp that lead to the big waterfall. He carefully placed his feet, making sure they stayed dry as his eyes fell on the beautiful, old trees. They had to be hundreds if not thousands of years old.

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