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— Chapter Five —

The next day Donghyuck started like every other day. A small snack from the plane as breakfast and then hunting fish in the sea for lunch. He caught two today, not his best rate but he wasn't complaining.

He had gotten more handy with his pocket knife, now knowing how to use it properly. He still disliked cutting the fish open but if he didn't want to starve, it had to be done.

For the afternoon he decided to explore the jungle again. Not going as far in as last time but just checking out the area for any sign of civilisation. Even though his hopes of that were decreasing by the day. He had not seen a single ship in the ocean, a single plane in the air, a single human other than Mark ever since they had been stranded here.

Speaking of Mark, Donghyuck was scared he would just find the man dead one day. He had no idea where Mark was located or how he was holding up. Ever since the two had talked in the plane that one, first day, Donghyuck had not heard or seen anything that could tell him about Mark's well-being. Hence his fear of finding the man's corpse somewhere in the jungle.

Shirtless and with his short pants, Donghyuck finished his lunch and then took only his knife with him to his journey through the jungle.

The first ten, hundred meters Donghyuck felt fine. Yes, it was extremely hot. Yes, the air was shimmering in the distance. But Donghyuck couldn't give up his hope of finding someone, anyone, any sign he was not stuck alone on a remote island.

With each step into the forest, the air became more humid. Donghyuck now started to hear and see the island's wildlife in its full glory. Exotic, colourful birds flying through the trees, small mammals scurrying through the grass below him. He took it all in, almost getting lost in the nature's beauty.

Never in his life had he experienced nature like this. He had always been living in cities, the closest he got to feeling connected was a camping trip in school. So now seeing all these beautiful, tropical animals and plants felt exciting.

Donghyuck could not help but think that if paradise really existed it would look like the view he was having right now.

With his knife he cut a few vines away to make a pathway. He had been doing it the entire time, leaving a trail of trampled grass and cut vines behind. If he turned back, all he could see was his trail. The beach was long out of his sight.

Through more jungle he went, his eyes always scanning the area for any sign of anything out of the usual, may it be a predatory animal or a human.

Donghyuck had found his way to a small glade. He had almost screamed out loud when he saw something bigger than the usual animals standing on the other side. It was still small, resembling a fawn almost. He knew it wasn't one but honestly could not remember the name of the animal.

Careful to not make any sound he approached it. The big doe eyes hadn't found him, hadn't noticed his presence. Donghyuck felt captivated by the innocence and pure beauty of the animal. Its ear twitched and it looked around, the eyes finally finding Donghyuck who immediately halted his actions.

The two just looked at each other, both eyes scanning the other unfamiliar figure up and down. Donghyuck's mind was racing as he pounded of whether to further approach the animal or not. In the end he decided to risk it and took a step forward.

Wrong choice. The animal immediately let out a shriek and ran away. Donghyuck cursed under his breath but it the profanities were drowned out by another voice, this one way louder than Donghyuck's.

"Nice job! That could have been my dinner." Mark's voice could be heard. Donghyuck choked on air and looked around in bewilderment, his eyes desperately trying to find Mark's body in between all those trees.

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