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— Chapter Thirteen —

Mark took the knife that had been laying next to them and cut open another part of the aloe vera. He let the gel ooze onto his hand just like he had done it before. Now he made sure however to do it so Donghyuck could see each one of his movements.

The other had picked up on this. He leaned slightly back, his back meeting Mark's chest. The older male leaned back against the stone wall as well so he wouldn't have to hold his body up.

Donghyuck could feel Mark's breath fanning on his exposed neck. He watched as the knife in front of him cut the aloe vera and then Mark's wet hand met his thigh. Since he was only wearing boxers it wasn't hard for Mark to navigate whatsoever. He immediately let his fingers with the cold gel trace over the wound, the scar that was slowly forming.

Once the cool liquid had come into contact with his skin, Donghyuck winced. He bit his lip, trying his best not to whine or gasp at the sensation he was feeling.

"Is this alright?" Mark asked and Donghyuck hummed. Despite feeling jittery and hot, he was very content with the situation. His back leaned against Mark's chest and his leg being touched by the man. Yeah, this was just fine.

Mark's fingers proceeded to spread the gel all over the king cut. The other hand had travelled to Donghyuck's other thigh to keep it in place because the younger would shudder every now and then.

Mark had finished his job but neither of his hands went away. Instead the both came closer to Donghyuck's crotch, causing the latter to squirm.

"Is there anything wrong?" Mark questioned. Donghyuck only shook his head, knowing his voice would betray him if he spoke.

"Wanna know what I'm curious about? Why did you accept the job your father gave you? You don't have to tell me but I just figured I would ask because I'm kind of bored." Mark stated. Donghyuck knew damn well, Mark wanted him to break.

"I-" he mumbled.

"You what? Gotta repeat that. Unless something is wrong of course." Mark said teasingly.

"Ah, no nothing is wrong. I'm okay." Donghyuck breathed out. Mark's hands were now at his inner thighs, pulling them apart ever so slightly.

"Then go ahead and tell me." Mark whispered into his ear. If Donghyuck didn't have goosebumps yet, he certainly had them now. He shifted around, getting ready to talk.

"Well, I never had much of a choice. From the beginning on it was obvious that I would have to follow my father's footsteps." he told Mark who hummed.

"Go on, baby." he ordered and then started nibbling at Donghyuck's ear. The other let out a shaky groan, not yet a moan but also definitely not an innocent breath anymore.

"He took me into his company right after I graduated. Ever since then he has been showing me how to work." Donghyuck explained further. It became harder and harder to concentrate as Mark's hands were now making their way under his boxers.

"And why does he do that?" Mark asked huskily. He let his lips travel from Donghyuck's ear down to his shoulder and Donghyuck leg out out a sign at Mark's lips meeting his slightly burned skin.

"Answer, Donghyuck. Why does he do that?" Mark growled. Donghyuck had been too distracted with his own pleasure to remember what Mark was talking about. The man's hands had now finally found their way to his boxers and pulled them down. Donghyuck's boner sprung free and Mark was quick to wrap one hand around it. The other hand grabbed Donghyuck's throat. Mark turned his head so the two could look at each other.

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