Green pill?

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This will be my gift to you guys! An update to the story, I hope you guys like it. I also made some minor changes to it so I hope you don’t mind that as well and for those of you who seem to have short term memory lost … I DO NOT OWN NARUTO and THIS WILL NOT FOLLOW THE ORIGINAL PLOT.

Merry Christmas Everyone and Happy New Year!


So making dinner last night was not one of the brightest ideas anyone has made me do, but at least I can say that I tried to do it. Ibiki has now banned me from making dinner or ever using the kitchen for cooking purposes, he also almost killed me last night when he came home to find his kitchen blown up and a minor fire blazing out of control on the stove, it could have been worst that’s for sure.

“WAKE UP!” someone yelled as they barged through my room

I wasn’t having it so I just continued to sleep through the whole yelling process and mumbled out “ 5 more minutes”  the person grunted out in annoyance and walked out of my room while I just sighed out in bliss and snuggled up into my warm blankets and cuddled with my pillow. A few minutes later I heard my door slam open and very large stomps towards my bed and then….SPLASH!  I jerked up with my eyes wide open and my hair sticking to my face. I blinked once, then twice and finally a third time before I realized that I was soaking wet, I turned my head to the left and saw Akemi standing there with a smirk on her a face and a now empty glass. I glared at her harshly before I pounced on my sister and gave her a wet willy, she screamed and yelled, begged me to stop but I wouldn’t stop until I felt satisfied.

“Don’t you think you were being a bit cruel Fumi” Emi grumbled

I turned at her and smirked “Nope” Popping the ‘p’ at the end. We were walking to school, passing by shops until I remembered about getting a snack, class would go on for hours and I would starve until we got to go eat lunch, so I had said to myself that I would stop by one of the stores on our way to school to buy a few snacks. I grabbed Akemis’ hand and jerked her into the nearest shop, we walked in and I strode the aisle, grabbing one bag of BBQ chips, one bag of Onion rings, Chocolate covered pockey, and a handful of lollipops, I paid the cashier and walked out with my bag of goodies. I hummed happily as Emi just glanced at me as if I were insane “Please tell me you aren’t going to eat all of those?” She asked I just simply smiled and went back to humming I heard her sigh “dear lord help us” I glanced at her questionably while she just kept walking, ignoring my look.

“Just ignore them” Akemi warned me before we entered the classroom, I rolled my eyes at her before I nodded my head in agreement. We entered the room that was once loud before we came in; everyone was looking at me with fear, amazement, or hatred. I looked at everyone with no expression what so ever because this was nothing new to me, I glanced around the room to find an open seat. Akemi took my seat which was next to Hinata the only respectable person here, there were a few choices of open seats, but I had to choose the right one or there were going to be a few complications. One seat was in the middle that was close to Hinata and my sister, but were right next to a pissed off looking blonde, that was a no go for sure, the next option was in the way back in the last row by a window, but it was crowded by screaming girls and the weird kid who was looking at me from yesterday, he looked as if he was annoyed shoot I would be too if I had to be surrounded by insane screaming female chickens. I shivered in fear as I just imagined myself seated right next to him; I shook my head and found a seat that was open in the next row over to it, two boys were sitting there one had his head down and appeared to be sleeping while the other was munching away on some chips, I smiled and made my way up. As I walked up everyone froze, I grumbled under my breath and continued my way to the open seat, while girls were glaring at me, but didn’t step up. The boys … well were being boys. Some had red faces while others stared at me with adoration, I think that’s what you call it, I don’t know I was never good at things such as emotions other than hatred, anger, resent, you know all the hateful ones. I stopped right next to the boy who had his head down; I cleared my throat to get his attention. He raised his head to look up at me, I was expecting some type of emotion or disgust on his face, but he just looked as if he couldn’t be bothered. To say the least I was surprised.

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