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Ciao~! My lovely readers. I am back and I apologize for not updating , I have been going through life and you know how that works plus I have been having major writers block. Tch. Stupid mind. .. Anywho I hope that none of you guys have given up on me as I was away for so long. I hope to be coming back and updating as fast as possible but bare with me as not only has life been hectic with its ups and downs or because of writers blocks but because my computer has totally been whack! I need a new screen monitor as mine has been acting up. Well yea thats about it really . Thank you for voting and reading guys it means alot! though I would appreaciate it if you would comment since I dont know if you guys want me to speed it up or if im doing to much or something.... Come on guys im not a mind reader! let me know whats up. anyways

I dedicate this chapter too ..... *drum roll*


I hope this was the fanfic you wanted me to update, I had just randomly chosen and you were the lucky duck! but I dont know if this was the fanfic you were speaking of or if you meant my Vampire knight one either way I thank you for reading! ((:

Note: to all those who are reading both fan fics of mine please look forward to my Vampire knight one being updated soon! 

Good night~! My sparkling stars. <3

I've been listening to this screaming and shouting for awhile now and it was starting to take a toll on my patience. Akemi and I have been in class for over an hour and at first it was okay because there were hardly any kids in class, but then as soon as it started to get packed the louder the noise went.  I just want some peace and quiet, is that to much to ask for? I would think not but apparently it is.

I groaned "Emi make them shut up"

She glanced at me and sighed "Fumi just bare with it"

I was rubbing my temples as she said this trying to ease the headache that was forming "I've been baring it for the last 15 minutes" I grumbled. Today I was sitting with Akemi and Hinata, it didnt feel right to sit next to the two boys I sat with yesterday, especially since how things ended.

"Your just irritable because I dragged you here super early" Emi explained which possibly could be the reason why I was so cranky that and the fact that I was starving. This morning Akemi barged into my room- which is nothing new since she has been doing it for quiet awhile- anyways she forced me out of bed at like 6 in the morning and dragged me all the way here with no stops or food! I'm literally dying. I slammed my head onto the table with my arms streatched out in front of me "Dear kami save me" I mumbled into the wood. I didn't think anybody would hear me for two reasons.

One. I said it quietly

two. The yapping chickens were being too loud.

But some one did hear. "Is everything alright Fumi-chan?" a soft whisper said, I lifted my head up and placed my chin on the desk. I saw Hinata fiddling with her fingers as she looked down at them

"I'm starving" I whined out

Hinata's head shot up and she looked at me and started to giggle. I gave her a confused expression as she continued to giggle but had pulled out a lollipop from her pocket "Here" she said once she stopped laughing. I guess I was making a weird face because I heard Hinata start to giggle again as well as Emi. I swear the lollipop had a radiant light shinning behind it as if it were some type of heavenly gift sent from the Gods. I quickly thanked Hinata and ripped the wrapper off, I was about to stick it in my mouth when two girls came bardging into the classroom arguing about who got there first and then... it happened. They ran pass my table shoving each other and accidently bumped into hinata, making Hinata shove into me and dropping my Lollipop on the ground. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion as I felt my sweet treat slowly descend to its doom, I tried to grab it before it hit the ground but I was to late. Once it hit the floor the godlike gift shattered into a billion of peices as if it were glass and just like that I lost every ounce of patience I had.

You Think Your A Monster, Just Wait Till You See Me  ** DISCONTINUED**Where stories live. Discover now