Not what I had expected

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(A/N)- Hewello! My dear readers. Sorry for the late update, but I didnt get that much inspiration recently so I got depressed and cried in my little coner, but thankfully it wasn't long until I was pulled out and realized that it was just the begginning so here I am ALIVE!!! XD Now let me get started on the story but before I do I would like to Thank all you readers who read my story I promise it will get better!!! <:

Pic of symbol on the right!


Once we stepped into the little village I noticed for the first time how bright it was, not so much of the sun, though that was probably one of the many reasons why it was bright and I had my right hand protectively covering my eyes, but it was more so the villagers that made everything so bright. Everyone was laughing, smiling, enjoying one anothers company as if everyone where the best of friends and in the distance that was soon coming closer you could here the children laughing, shouting, and goofing around while The Adults where shouting from behind them to behave themselves. Dont get me wrong my old village was just like this...Just never torwards me... I was always known as the filthy one, because I was always wearing the same old tatter clothes and so the Adults would treat me like the garbage I  supposedly was. Just thinking back on the past made me sigh in depression, but all that soon disappeared as I took in the smell of freash baked bread, I inhaled deeply  the scent of flour and yeast baking in the warm ovens, though as I did so my stomach growled in hunger. I heard the men stiffle a small laugh before I lightly blushed.

"It seems someone finally got hungry" The man who shall be named scar (because of well you know his scar)  said playfully

Then In response to his statement his stomach growled and he blushed the deepest red I had ever seen on a man before.

"Yes.Well she's not the only one it seems" The old man replied

Then everyone, except me of course laughed though I did let out a slight smile.

The old man turned to face everyone and said " We shall rest after we have things settled, yes?"

I looked at everyone who in sync yelled " Yes Hokage-sama!"

"Ah. So he was the Hokage, Well that would explain alot of things" I thought to myself

After that little pause we continued our walk until we came upon a building that you could notice a mile away with its bright red paint and In bold, huge words were written ' Hokage' .

" Yea that sums it up" I thought

We entered the building with people bowing and greeting the Hokage and some of the men especailly the man holding me would stop and chit-chat with the other ninjas. I of course was getting annoyed with their frequent stops because it seemed with each new conversation it would be twice as long. Then we finally made it to the Hokages office and I was finally placed on my own two feet, but because I had not been moving my lower half of my body in hours my legs were numb, so my knees buckled underneath me and I fell to the ground landing on my stomach with a thud.

I groaned in pain

" Sorry about that" The man holding me apologized while reaching to help me up

" It never occured to me that your legs would be numb" He explained

I looked up to the man " Its fine"  I mumbled

The man released his hold on my arm and smiled at me, my left eye twitched a bit making it hardly noticable. I turned my back on the man who left the room leaving me to stand in front of the old man. He had changed into some robes  that were red and white with hat placed on his head that held the words Hokage written on it in red, He looked up at me with the softest of gazes that I had ever met in my life as If he were either pitying me or sympathysizing ( <- Sp?) me. I flinched a bit , but at the same time I gritted my teeth together because if anything I hated the most it would be someone pitying me. He took a seat behind a rather large desk that was filled with folders and books as well as paper scattered all over it making the top of the desk  unnoticable and appearing messy.

You Think Your A Monster, Just Wait Till You See Me  ** DISCONTINUED**Where stories live. Discover now