Looking in on Fate to change

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A/N: Hello Jelly beans! I am so so sorry for the late update. I honestly didn't think anybody was reading it, that and my laptop has been confiscated so I am using somebody else's :/  ......Anyways I am super duper uber sorry. I hope you all forgive me? .... Geez! this sounds very repetitive , but I'm not doing it on purpose, I swear!  I want to do a lot of dedications and shout outs but I seriously can't do you all so I wont be doing any for this chapter but whoever does comment, vote, fan or whatever I will do it in the next chapter so look forward to it. Thank you everybody! Thank you a million times!

Anyways I'm sure you don't want to read my rambling so on with the story! ^_^)/


I don't know why I even took that stupid pill when it did look so suspicious. The damn thing was practically screaming at me, shouting words like " DON'T EAT ME! YOU'LL REGRET IT!!!" and I did. I regret not listening to it, I regret eating it, but most of all I regret ever trusting that old man. When I took the pill everything seemed fine, if not normal. I looked at the Hokage with my eyebrow raised; silently asking him if this was suppose to happen, he didn't reply just smiled and that's when everything went down hill. I blacked out. When? I don't know exactly, but it did happen because here I am surrounded in pitch darkness. In this very moment as we speak I am sitting in a very dark room. With my arms folded across my chess, I glared into the gloom muttering to myself on how stupid I was for ever trusting that old man.

"Is that all you will do child?" an animalistic voice asked

I glanced around looking for the speaker, no one was around or from what I can see at least. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion while straining my eyes to look around in the depth of the blackness. I wasn't sure weather to shout out a reply or keep quiet so I waited patiently for the voice to speak up again.

"I see. That is all you really do" The voice spoke again

For some odd reason I felt insulted by that statement "What do you mean?" I replied

"You just sit there and sulk"

Okay. Now I really am insulted. "No I don't!" I shouted out

I could hear it bark out in laughter. It really did sound animalistic from my perspective, I know most people would stay put and not go towards the maniacal laughter, but the way it sounded made me curious. My hands were out in front of me as I carefully walked near the voice, as I approached it I could see a bright light. I squinted my eyes and then out of no where as if I were watching a movie; scenes flashed before my very eyes. Naruto the Nine tailed fox, the genin test, the group, Our sensei whose name is Kakashi, Our trip to the Land of the Waves, Zabuza, Kakashi being the copy cat ninja,  Sakura being annoying as ever, Saskue almost dying, the mark, Orchimaru, The Old mans death, everything flashed before my eyes.

I clutched my head and screamed as loud as I could, falling to my knees. My skull felt like it was on fire. I didn't know these people.. not personally that is; I knew they were in my class, but I didn't know them that well were I would know their names or how annoying they could be.

I gasped "what was that?"

As impossible as this sounds I knew that whoever was talking to me was smirking as it said "That is the future"

"The future? How? when? why?... What?" I spluttered out

So many questions and this was the only way I could ask. I know not many of it made sense, but where was I suppose to begin and why was I even here? Then out of no where I am kneeling in front of iron bars.  Two hypnotic purple eyes peered out of them, I froze on the spot. This was the demon sealed in me, the one they called Aika.

"I showed you the future because you are the one who will re-write it" she  declared

By now I was on a coughing spree. There was no way I could possibly change the future especially since I'm un-wanted.  I couldn't see how any of this was possible. I just sat there shaking uncontrollably , my eyes open wide in fear, and my heart beating a mile a minute.

"W-why me?" I asked

"because this is your fate" she said in a duh voice

that just irked me. I sighed and quickly shook myself out of my state of shock, I won't say it was fear because then it would just be ridiculous. I looked up once again at the 50 feet iron bars, I couldn't really see the beasts' form other then its eyes "What about this boy name Naruto? wouldn't this change his fate as well? In fact wouldn't this change everyone's fate even if it does go bad?"

"Yes, but this will change it for the good because this world no longer needs the bad. If you let things stay; they will soon become then the balance of the world will go in chaos." she said

"People will die, others will turn for the bad, and those who are already damaged will be unfixable. Why cause more pain when you can heal? Why not pull those who are already in the dark out of it and bring them to the light-"

I cut her off "Why help them at all?! Why should I fix them when I, myself is damaged beyond repair?! They have their own pain and everyone knows that only, you; yourself can fix them!"

It seemed unfair of what she was asking me to do. Nobody help me in fact they didn't heal my wounds they rip them open and poured salt on them and at times added to them. I only had Emi to help me, to accept me , to heal me; nobody else was there. Why help them when they didn't help me?

"Yes, but you can make the process easier. If you don't help then you will lose everything" her emphasis on the word everything.

Then  images of what could happen if I didn't change the fate of everyone flashed in front of my eyes once again. The only thing that changed or was different was that Emi died at the end , the scene went a bit blurry as my eyes were now filled with tears that I would not let out.

My mind was made up after that. Emi was my everything and if I lost her I would really be broken. With all my strength, I pulled myself up to a standing position and said "I will do it" after that it was final, there was no way I could urn back even if I wanted too.

A/N: I am super sorry this took a long time to upload and I hope you haven't given up on me. tell me how this one was; was it good or bad? let me know. I hope you enjoyed it and look forward to the next chapter.

Please Vote, Comment, and Fan. It lets me know that there are still readers willing to read my story. (:

Love you my little gumdrops! I hope to see you soon. <3

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