My new Home?

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* A/N: Hwello My lovely readers! Okay so first of I would like to give a HUGE shout out to


She has become a inspiration to me lately .... I was starting to think I was gonna have to go back into my corner and grow wild mushroom on my head, but she rescued me. She left me lovely comments just when I was beginning to give up so THANK YOU! also Thank you everyone who is taking the time to read my story! Without Further a Due I Give you Chapter four!!!!! >,<

P.S. Theres an Image of her outfit. ---------->

If you cant see the pic heres the Url :


On the first day at the Hospital the nurse had forcefully stripped me of my attire, she didnt even bother to ask me if she could throw them away or not, but she did anyways then she handed me a white gown to wear. The medical ninja soon arrived and did a full body inspection on me, turns out my right wrist was twisted while my chakra channel in the upper right arm was seriously backed up, most of my pressure points had been hit, they wondered how I ever managed to use my chakra at all. After fixing my right arm they worked on my left ankle poppiong it back in place, which let me tell you was not that fun; I let out a blood curtling scream during the process. As soon as they finished up on the fractures and bones they began to heal all the small cuts, infected wounds, and disinfecting the two huge gashes, one was placed on my back running diagonally while the other ran down my left arm, as soon as that was finished they started working on my nutrition that was the easy part or so I thought. The first few days were horriable because they would bring me lots of food so since I was starving I would shove most of it in my mouth, my stomach couldnt handle the sudden impact I forced upon it so it would get upset compeling me to throw it up , but it sooned loosened up and I was eating everything in sight. A few weeks passed and I was looking a whole lot better moreover all I was allowed to do was eat,sleep,bathroom,and read so I was gaining weight rapidly. Today was the day that I was leaving this haven though it was not my choice,but my sister, Emi, she stopped by to drop of my clothes she promised to bring me , she sat down in the chair that was placed next to the hospital bed while placing the brand new clothes neatly on her lap, I was stuffing my face with ramen and small pieces of pork cutlet, I smiled ath the same time slurping up a mouthful of noodle.

"Whats up?" I asked though it came out sounding like Wash up?

She smiled at my words "Aren't you worried of getting fat? though I already see you have a gut." she said while poking my stomach

Since being Hospitalized my apperance had changed greatly. I was no longer skinned boned, I now had a small gut and more meat on my body, though I wouldnt call myself fat , but I also wouldnt call myself skinny, so in between? my hair was has been washed and brushed making it soft, tamed, yet bouncy since my hair was wavey. The lilac color was much more brighter and more recogonizable, my skin appearing smooth yet rough because of the giant scar running down my back and left arm.

again with food in my mouth I said " Fat is beautiful too" but coming out phat ish beashful too

Emi shook her head and giggled " Speak right"

I smiled sliding my left hand across my mouth wiping away the juice from the ramen .

I sighed contently "Man I feel like I could eat for days"

"I hope not " She replied

"Here are some clothes, you need to change fast though 'cuz the Hokage wants to meet us" she continued

You Think Your A Monster, Just Wait Till You See Me  ** DISCONTINUED**Where stories live. Discover now