The moment

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I find myself to always be apologizing for my rather late (years late) updates. Here you ladies and gents are patiently being loyal and waiting for update as I gather my life together and I can't tell you how much that means to me because I had thought no one really cared for my story or horrible writing. I apologize my Honey buns for leaving you for so long! I had good reason for it; I assure you. My issues have been popping up like crazy, school has been long with its mountains of work, and my social life is demanding more of my attention. All of these requirements have been stressing me out and it doesn't help that I have anxiety or depression. I know it appears that I am just giving you my sob story but I seriously just wanted to let you know why I have been gone for so long my loves. Thank you all for encouraging me and just being wonderful fans! I love you all so much. Like always I will start off with a few shout-outs and my dedication. There are so many of you that I would wish to give but unfortunately I cannot so please don't be upset if I don't mention you because you all mean a great deal to me.

My Dedication goes to: @mindcreator

Thank you so much for your beautifully written comment and for believing in me. I am glad that you enjoy my story so I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Shout outs!:



Thank you for leaving a comment and I'm sure Fumiko appreciates the fact that you find her to be cool (:



Lol I hope your still alive to see this new update? If you're not then I'm sorry and I will find some way to give it to you in the afterlife with pizza! Thank you for reading.



Thank you! It makes me happy to know that you think my book is awesome. I apologize for the late update but I hope you enjoy this new chapter.



So I updated. Thank you for liking my story! I'm happy that you're enjoying it.


To know that you love my story is such a wonderful feeling so thank you. I know what Akemi did was wrong and could be seen as betrayal but she did it with good intentions plus Fumiko knows that Akemi is just looking out for her wellbeing.  


Aha! I continued it. I hope you enjoy my newest update! (:


After my little speech everyone kind of just looked at me as if I had two heads or something to which I pointedly ignored because they were a bunch of idiots. A few more seconds passed of them staring before I let out an aggravated sigh, Kakashi-sensei noticing my displeasure snapped out of his trance and clapped his hands together catching everyone's attention but mine "Alright then. Aren't you all a special bunch" a hint of sarcasm leaking into the last sentence.

I went back to enjoying my solitude. Nobody seemed to care anymore if I was listening or not; even though I did keep an open ear to what the silver haired man was saying. A warm breeze blew by making me sink further into a laying down position, the sunset was forming in bright oranges and warm reds. My stomach was aching madly from the lack of food but other than that it was peaceful or as peaceful as it can get until Naruto and Sakura let out screeches of horror. I bit my lower lip to restrain the slew of curse words that so badly wanted to slip out, I turned my head to see everyone standing, yelling about how it wasn't fair. I focused on their sentences to get a better idea of what the issue was but it didn't prove that much of a difficult task as Naruto shouted "I passed the test just to get another one!"

You Think Your A Monster, Just Wait Till You See Me  ** DISCONTINUED**Where stories live. Discover now