The begininng of the past.

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*A/N: So heres the first chapater, I wasnt planning on uploading it on the same day as the info , but since im so nice I decieded what the hell , why don't I just let them see what their dealing with here , so Im uploading it ............................ Now be prepared because this is a long first chapter, so get comfortable. Please rate,comment, and fan ( If possiable...... Hopefully) .............................. Onto the story!!!!

P.S. I There is a picture, so check that out! its a collage of everything.... The demon, Fumi, Emi ( green hair) ,Gaara ( of course) , and a buch of other stuff :D


The beginning of the Past.

Being out casted, abused, looked upon as if you are the most disgusting thing on this planet. When your own village throws you out and your parents abandon you; leaving you with nothing, but the pitch black darkness that haunts you day and night. I can’t say that I don’t have family because then that would be a lie, my twin sister , Akemi ( Emi for short), is my one and only savior, she stood by me when no one else would, she left everyone and everything just for me. Now to get to the point on how this whole mess started was because I harbor a Bijuu. A demon that has four tails and has the power to control any element; which seems absurd I know , but if you had a crazed Hokage that was super paranoid ruling your village then you would see why he would do the ‘ forbidden ritual’ that summoned an ancient demon that was asleep for more than seven million years. Though everything went exactly as planned our Hokage never predicted the cons to his brilliant ‘ Plan ’   the Bijuu started to get out of control , the demon demanded more blood, sacrifices, and to obtain more power ( as if it needed anymore). Our land was being destroyed and our people were dying, so the Hokage decided to seal the demon into a body of a young baby, Unfortunately at the time the only newborns there was Emi and I, However Emi was not a perfect match with her being so sickly, The demon wouldn’t stay in her body for too long before it broke the seal. My parents offered me as I was their only hope to please the lord, still being fresh out the womb, they used me. Doctors had warned my parent of the dangers of the process to seal the demon in me such as death being the most probable cause yet they still went ahead with the ritual. I guess that’s what they wanted … For the demon and I to die together why? I have no idea. However to their utmost displeasure I didn’t die , though my appearance never did let them forget that , my hair is a soft lilac purple and my eyes being magenta with specks of deep , rich, sapphire . After many years of being the towns freak and abused by my parents 24/7 the village finally decided to kick me out at the age of ten. My sister Emi being the older one by 15 sec chased after me, she hugged me so tight I couldn’t breathe. It was pouring rain outside so you could hardly notice the tears streaming out from my eyes slowly making its way down my cheeks. My sister’s grip got tighter around my neck  it got so tight that I felt that I would pass out any minute now if she didn’t loosen it , but at the same time I felt that if she did loosen her grip  the pain would take over breaking every part of me inside. Once Emi released me from her choke hold, she grabbed my right hand and looked at me, out of reflex I looked up to my sister with my tear stained face that hopefully she wouldn’t notice, but to my surprise her face reflected the same, as if I was staring into a mirror, with her free hand she gently wiped away a few of my tears.                                                                                          “Everything will be okay Fumiko… Don’t worry I will never leave you.” She whispered gently                                   I just stood there squeezing her hand that held mine.

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