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Once the deck had settled down, the crew greeted the new members onboard, and Eustace was taken down below to let him sleep off his shock, it was decided the next order of business was to find Lucy and Edmund suitable clothes. Thankfully Lucy was about my size so I lead her to my room to change while Edmund followed Caspian to his room to see if hopefully there was something in there that would fit him. 

The four of us walked into the captains quarters, Caspian immediately veering right to his room while my room was to the left. Directly in front of us were the double doors that led to the captains office. Ed glanced back at me before following Caspian. 

"We'll see each other in a second," I chuckled already knowing what he was thinking. 

"A second is too long," he smiled at me and I swear my heart melted. "Not when I haven't been able to see you for a whole year." 

"A year?" I cried. "Lucky you then. For me it's been three." His eyes widened in genuine surprise at my statement but before he could say anything, I sauntered over to where he was standing in front of Caspian's door. "Which means I win, and I'm a whole year older now so you have to do what I say." He openly chuckled at that and I beamed up at him. Just hearing him laugh was like the sound of angles singing. I hadn't realized how much I'd missed even the small things about him like the way his nose kind of scrunched when he laughed, or the way his eyes seemed to twinkle when he looked at me. I leaned in really close, so close I could feel his breath on my face. Despite the fact that I was technically older than him now, I was still shorter so I had to tilt my head back to look in his eyes. His gaze flicked from my own eyes, down to my lips and I bit my bottom lip out of habit. I could have sworn I saw his eyes darken as they flicked back to my own and I leaned even closer so our lips were practically touching. 

"So," I whispered, struggling in vain to try and keep my breathing normal. "Go change you wet rat." I said this in a normal voice while pushing his chest lightly with my hand. He clearly hadn't been ready for that as he stumbled back a bit, giving me a look that made me smile cheekily back at him. Lucy began laughing loudly and I quickly ushered her into my room, winking over my shoulder at Ed before the door shut behind me blocking him from my view. 

Lucy was still laughing when I went to my wardrobe to try and find her new clothes. 

"That was awesome," she giggled. "I never see him get flustered so easily like that." I gave her a cheeky smile as I pulled out one of my red vests, a white long sleeved shirt, and some trousers. 

"It's my specialty," I told her over my shoulder as I headed to my closet to get her boots. 

"So how are you Lu," I asked genuinely. "How are Peter and Susan?" 

"I'm ok thanks, and they're good!" she said, thanking me as I handed her a pair of my tall black boots. "To be honest though Edmund and I haven't seen them in a couple of months. A little while after we returned home, we got word from our parents that they wanted Peter and Susan to come and stay with them." I looked at her and raised an eyebrow, silently asking her to elaborate. 

"Oh right," she said as she began to slip on her new clothes. I turned away and faced the back wall to giver her some privacy. "I guess you wouldn't be familiar with anything happening back home. Basically, our parents are in America, another country where we're from, because our father is stationed there with the military."

"I didn't know your father was a soldier!" I told her. Although I guess it made sense that the High King and Queen of Narnia who helped lead us to victory in battle, came from a military background. 

"He is, but probably not in the way you're thinking," Lucy said. "Our military don't fight with swords and magic and catapults. They use big machines and guns. But to be completely honest I'm not even sure how it all works. That's more of a Peter question."

Although I had so many questions about these machines and "guns" that she had mentioned, I also missed her siblings and was curious as to why they weren't together. "So how come you and Edmund aren't with Peter and Susan?" I heard her sigh in-between the rustling of clothes. 

"Trust me, if Ed and I had a choice we'd be in America faster than you can say Aslan. But apparently it's hard to cross right now, so we're being forced to stay with our aunt and uncle and their son Eustace." 

"The screaming one?" I asked with a smile. 

"Yes unfortunately," she sighed. With a tap on my shoulder I spun and gave her outfit a once over. The undershirt seemed a little big on her, but other than that she looked every part the Narnian traveler. 

"Honestly he wouldn't be so obnoxious if he wasn't so insufferable sometimes," Lucy continued. "Although I guess Edmund has it worse since they have to share a room. Ed was telling me Eustace has bugs in jars under his bed that his studies." Lucy and I both shivered at the same time. 

"Dealing with the occasional non-Narnian mouse is bad enough on this ship, I'll pass on the insects," I said with a grimace and Lucy bobbed her head in agreement. 

"Tell me about it." 

Suddenly a knock sounded at my door and the two of us headed towards it. 

"That has to be the boys," Lucy said. 

"Well then," I grinned pulling my door open. "Time to join the party".

The Voyage - Edmund PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now