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After our conversation, both Ed and I had gone to bed agreeing we needed sleep before tomorrow. I did my last few double checks before heading to Caspian's room for the night, making sure to peak in on Lucy and Gael as I went. I was glad to see they were both sleeping, something I was worried would elude me tonight. Thankfully though, I must've been so tired from the journey to Ramandu's island and the mental toll this trip was taking, I fell asleep quickly. 

Unfortunately, it felt like as soon as I had shut my eyes the wake-up call was being sounded across the ship. Caspian had wanted us to enter the dark island with the rising sun and he was getting his wish. Grumbling quietly to myself about how unfair it was that we already had to go fight some evil mist, let alone at the crack of dawn, I got ready fast. The deck was already chaotic with the crew making their preparations and lowering the main sail. Everyone once in a while, I'd get a glimpse of Eustace swooping above the ship. It felt like in no time at all, we were off and headed straight towards the giant mass of swirling black fog. Eventually, Caspian, Lucy, Edmund and I found ourselves up by the wheel next to Drinian all of us stunned into silence by the darkness ahead. 

Eventually, it was Tavros who broke that silence with a question I didn't know if I wanted to answer to.

"So... what do you think we'll find in there?"

"Our worst nightmares..." Edmund answered him. 

"Our darkest wishes," Cas echoed.

"Pure evil," Drinian added. 

"Personally, I'm hoping for a puppy," I muttered under my breath which got me an elbow from Cas but a nervous chuckle from Lucy.

"Tavros, unlock the armory," Drinian commanded, and I felt my body go a little cold. This was actually happening. We were really about to sail into an unknown island, to try and find a lost lord in the hope that he had the last magic sword we needed. Great. 

Tavors began giving his own commands as Cas looked at us.

"Let's get ready," he said heading towards the captain's office to grab our own weapons. Edmund and I followed him as Lucy went back to my room to grab her own things. Cas, Ed and I put our armor and weapons on in silence, each of us lost in our own heads. No doubt thinking about a different scenario of what was behind that fog. I was in the very corner of the room with my back to the boys double checking all of the arrows in Susan's quiver and bow string, when I heard Caspian behind me. 

"In case we don't get through... whatever this is..." he started, and my stomach dropped. "...I want you to know I think of you as my brother, Ed."

"Me too," Edmund responded, and suddenly I was blinking away tears. While I wasn't one to cry often, something about my brother telling my boyfriend that in his eyes they were family, pulled at my heartstrings in a way that nothing else ever had. 

"You gave up your sword," Cas said and I heard footsteps.

"It wasn't mine to keep," Ed answered.

"Use this." I didn't have to look at Caspian to know he was offering Edmund Peter's sword. I kept my back turned though, trying not to intrude on what seemed to be an important moment in the lives of the two men who mattered most to me. Especially after what had happened at the dragon's island. 

"But it's..."

"Peter would want you to have it." I smiled down at the bow in front of me, careful to not let them see my expression. 

The Voyage - Edmund PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now