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All my fear-stricken brain could think about was how incredibly ugly this sea monster was. A massive mouth revealed rows and rows of sharp teeth, and it had pincer like appendages that scuttled like an insect. 

I drew Susan's bow quickly and moved with Caspian and Edmund to form a line in front of Lucy, who now held Gael protectively, and the crew. Eustace, the bloody brilliant dragon-boy he was, came tearing through the air with a roar. Bright orange flame erupted from his muzzle, landing a square hit on the ugly monster. The monster thrashed and squealed an awful sound, but Eustace clung to it with a bravery that, despite the situation, made me so proud. And even above the squealing, I could still hear Reepicheep's "For Narnia". Unfortunately, the monster wasn't going to go down so easy. With a massive shake of its head, Reep got thrown up towards the ship's crow's nest and Eustace and the monster entered a full out brawl. And while the dragon-boy seemed to be holding his own for a bit, as the magic sea-monster snatched him out of the sky I couldn't help my gasp. They surfaced quickly, the monster shaking Eustace and throwing him against a rock. Edmund, Lucy and I raced to the other side of the ship to watch as I internally screamed for Eustace to fight harder. As if he heard me, Eustace let out another blast of fire right in the monster's face. 

"Yes Eustace! Kill it with fire!" I screamed as the rest of the crew watched on. With its face burning, the monster dove back under the waves. I prayed to Aslan that Eustace had just killed it, but I doubted we would get that lucky. Then, what small victory Eustace just had was broken by Lord Rhoop. 

"Out creature!" he yelled, hurling his sword at Eustace. It's aim was true, hitting the poor boy in the shoulder. 

"No! The sword!" Caspian yelled.

"Eustace!" Lucy cried out for her cousin. But the dragon didn't hear her as Eustace took off from the rock and flew off into the dark mist around us. "No! Come back!" Lucy screamed, but it was no use. 

"We're all doomed! Doomed!" Lord Rhoop cried out. "Turn this ship about!" In chaos of Eustace getting hit with the sword, no one had been watching the senile old man as he'd gotten to the wheel of the ship. He spun it hard, causing the whole ship to tip and everyone to go flying. Thankfully, Drinian was already there and knocked the Lord out with a punch to the face. Everyone knew the fastest way to get on Drinian's bad side was to touch the wheel without permission. 

"Aft crew to your rowing positions," Drinian yelled. "Oars at double speed!"

At lightning speed, the men were at their stations trying their hardest to carry the Dawn Treader through the water. A bird's cry caught my attention as it soared through the patch of light left from Eustace flying up and away. Until it was immediately brought back to the ship as the sea monster returned with a vendetta. The beast jumped in and out of the water, breaking the railings of the ship and sending supplies and crew members down into the water below. It wound itself around the ship itself, as if it were trying to suffocate it. There was so much noise between crew shouting, the splash of wood and debris hitting the water, and the splintering of the boat as it cracked under the monster's grip.

"Ed! Cat!" Caspian called down from the wheel. How and when he got up there, I had no clue. "We ram the serpent! Smash him on the rocks."

"Steer her to port! I'll keep it on the prow!" Ed yelled to be heard.

"I'll help!" I told him.

As the two of us ran towards the prow, the ugly beast reared it's head. As fast as I could manage, I loosened one, two, three arrows at it's face. The only thing that seemed to do though was make it mad. It charged, destroying more of the ship as it jumped to the other side. I jumped out of the way, then forced myself to get up and keep running. There was no stopping unless I wanted to make myself an easy target for this thing. 

The Voyage - Edmund PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now