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"It looks uninhabited." Despite my disappointment, I couldn't help but agree with Caspian's statement. Cas, Edmund, Drinian and I were all on the top deck staring out at the island that lay before us. Although I had hoped we'd find another one of the lords here, it didn't look like a sole had even stepped foot on this island in many years. 

"But if the lords followed the mist east, they would have stopped here," Edmund pointed out and I nodded my head in agreement. 

"Could be a trap," Drinian offered. 

"Or, it could hold some answers," I told him. "Caspian?" We all turned towards my brother who was still staring at the island through his telescope. 

"We'll spend the night on shore. Scour the island in the morning." 

"Aye your majesty."

At my brother's command, the crew jumped to life readying and loading the landing boats. By the time we'd made it to land with our small landing party, made our campsite and got a fire going, the sun was already setting on the horizon. We'd decided to make camp on the beach with all of us spread out around these odd, circular boulders. 

By the time I finally laid down on my blanket, I was exhausted. I glanced over at Lucy next to me and was surprised to find her reading by the dying fire light. 

"Good book?" I asked, yawing halfway though my question. 

"Yea actually, I found it in the map room. It's a bunch of old Narnian poems and songs. Most of them I don't recognize, but there's this one that I'm pretty sure I remember from our first time here."

"No way," I told her leaning up on my elbows, suddenly interested to learn which poem or song had survived from 1300 years ago. "Which one?"

"It goes like this," Lucy began. 

"The earth was frozen. Ice upon the water.

All at once you saw her. There in the winter light.

Then the light came bouncing up from stony ground. And deep within the earth you heard the sound.

Breaking like a rock you grew profound.

Reveal for me, shine for me. There in the winter light.

Shine for me, reveal for me. There in the winter light."

I recognized it from the time when the professor had taught us about Narnian nursery rhymes. It was about the white witch, and Aslan breaking the stone table which clearly Lucy knew all about. 

"I remember this poem was said a lot back in our rule after Aslan disappeared. We'd always say it or someone would preform it at celebrations, or on anniversaries. It's pretty cool that it made it into this book."

"Absolutely," I told her. Then, to my surprise she passed the book to me. 

I'm sure you know more of these than I do, do you see any you recognize?" I took the book and did a quick scan. I recognized a few right away, although I didn't know them very well. That is, until I got near the end. 

"This one I know pretty well," I told her showing her the page. "It's a song people sing in memory of someone. I used to sing it a lot after my dad passed away." 

"I'm sorry," Lucy said sadly. 

"Oh please don't be, I actually like the song a lot," I reassured her. "Plus, it's nice that whenever I sing it I think of him and my mom although I didn't really know her well." 

"Do you mind if I ask how it goes?" she asked and I smiled. 

"Well, I'm really not much of a singer," I told her blushing. I quickly glanced around the campsite and noticed that most of the camp was sleeping. "But most people are sleeping so I suppose a little couldn't hurt." 

The Voyage - Edmund PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now