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Liliandil led us to small overlook at the end of a trail overgrown with tree roots. We all crowded around to look in same direction as the star, and my stomach dropped slightly. While it was one thing for Coriakin to talk about the island and show a small version of it on his map, it was quite another to see it in person. Black and gray fog rolled in waves, and the darkness behind it was so complete it covered any land that might be there. Flashes of green light came through waves of fog and darkness like a warning signal. "Keep the hell away".

"The magician, Coriakin, told you of Dark Island?" she asked us although I had a feeling it was really meant for just Caspian. 

"Yes," my brother replied.

"Before long, the evil will be unstoppable." 

"Great. Just another day at the office," I thought a little sourly. 

"Coriakin said to break its spell, we lay the seven swords at Aslan's table," Caspian repeated the instructions. Lili nodded her head.

"He speaks the truth."

"But we only found six," Edmund said confused. "Do you know where the seventh is?" Lucy and I shared a look, both of us clearly thinking the same thing. 

"Let me guess," I quipped. Lili turned fully towards me, her starlight washing over me. "It's in a super beautiful island covered in rainbows and sunlight, and it will be a super easy quest to get it?" I turned my voice up at the end hopefully. Lucy chuckled softly and Ed fought a smile. 

Lili just shook her head apologetically, looking sincerely sorry as she pointed towards the dark island across the water.

"In there." 

"Note to self, stars don't understand sarcasm." I couldn't contain my sigh.

"Yea, that's what I was afraid of."

"You will need great courage," the star told us as she turned to look at each of us in turn. When her and Caspian's eyes locked, they stared at each other for a bit longer than was probably necessary. 

"Now waste no time."

"I hope we meet again," Cas said softly and I had to bite my tongue to hold my sarcastic gagging. While watching my brother try to flirt was something I didn't want to experience, the time for jokes had passed. Plus, Cas had to put up with me and Edmund being on the same ship for weeks and he'd been a good sport. At least his charming seemed to work a little bit as Liliandil gave my brother a shy smile. Then, she bid us goodbye and before our eyes, turned into a ball of light and shot back up into the night sky. Well at least my brother certainly had a type, women who kept leaving him in rather dramatic fashion.

Once she was gone, we all headed back to the men to regroup and come up with our strategy for tomorrow. That, and eat of course. Caspian, Edmund, Drinian, Lucy and I all grabbed plates and went to the opposite end of the table as the crew to try and get a little more quiet. As I was chewing my slice of watermelon, I listened and nodded along to Caspian's plan to find the sword. Which really, was basically just to sail into the mist and try and find the sword. Really there wasn't much else we could do, not with us knowing so little about what waited on the other side of that fog. We didn't even know if we were going to be able to find the sword or not. 

Once everyone had eaten their fill and the crew had gone quiet, Cas stood drawing everyone's attention. 

"Men, tomorrow we face the unknown. We must sail into the mist in the Dark Island to retrieve the last of Aslan's swords, to rid the world of this evil power for once and for all. I can only imagine given what we've seen of this power so far, this trip will be extremely dangerous. It's possible not all of us will make it home. I know when you all embarked on this journey with us, no one thought we'd end up here. So, I understand if you wish to remain here, while we sail to the island tomorrow. You're all dedicated crew members and we..." he gestured to the small group of us at the head of the table, "... wouldn't have made it here without you. I won't ask you to risk your lives for us as well. If you'd like to stay, please say so now." 

The Voyage - Edmund PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now