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Once we got outside, I felt the utter sweep of relief at seeing Edmund and Caspian right outside the mansion. It was then quickly replaced by a chuckle, as it was pretty hilarious seeing them all surrounded by the Dufflepugs. I had a feeling Lucy and I missed an interesting fight. 

"Lucy! Cat!" Ed exclaimed as we reached him. It took all my willpower not to throw my arms around him and give him a hug. But I'd just met Coriakin, and we already got enough hazing from the crew as it was. 

"Edmund, Caspian, this is Coriakin. It's his island." Lucy did the introductions. After, Coriakin chased the Dufflepugs away with lint (that I had to cover my mouth for to stop from laughing), and a small group headed into the mansion while most of the crew were sent back to the ship. I was pretty surprised to see Eustace with everyone, but when Ed suggested that he go back to the ship I pushed from the boy to come. 

"But why," Edmund practically whined under his breath. 

"Because," I told him, patting his shoulder. "He's just confused and wanting to be a part of something. You saw how he was with Reep after their duel. Letting him come is the right thing to do, especially since he is your cousin."

"Sure. That, or if we send him back with the crew he'll get either left behind or given to the Dufflepugs," Ed huffed. 

"Yea..." I chucked. "That sounds more accurate." 

With that, Drinian, Eustace, Caspian, Lucy, Edmund and I all followed Coriakin inside and back to the library. As we walked, Lucy's voice broke the silence.

"What did you mean when you said you made them invisible for their own good?" I perked up, curious to his answer. He'd said it when he'd chased the Dufflepugs off, and when they'd called him the Oppressor for making them invisible in the first place. 

"It seemed the easiest way to protect them, from the evil," he responded.

"You mean the mist?" Ed asked. 

"I mean what lies behind the mist."

With that, Coriakin gestured for us to proceed him into the library as he went to grab a scroll from one of the tables. The first thing I noticed was that the library was different. Not the layout or that anything was missing. Instead, on the top balcony there was now a shimmering light. What looked like the night sky shimmered and moved in front of the shelves as though it were moving like waves in the ocean. A dark purple sky appeared in those patches that I could see, and what looked like hundreds if not thousands of stars. 

My attention was brought back to the library as Coriakin rolled out his scroll across the floor. Clearly a magical scroll, it sank to the floor with a grace I would never possess, and immediately across the largest part of it, the ocean and islands appeared. Clouds hung in the air above them and the water sparkled as if the sun was shining down on it from this room. I swore I could even feel the breeze and hear seagulls cawing. Even the sides of the map, which I now that's what it was, were moving. I realized it was the battle with the White Witch and subtly grabbed Edmund's hand as he was next to me. 

"It's quite beautiful," Eustace said quietly. I looked up at him and smiled pleasantly surprised.

"You're right Eusatce," I told him. "It's amazing." Then, the boy's eyes met those of his cousins', and I could almost see him put his walls back up. 

"I mean for a make-believe map in a make-believe world."

"And there goes that moment," I whispered to Ed, who squeezed my hand.

"First, allow me to explain myself," Coriakin started. "I am a star. Or, I was thousands of years ago. I was in my place in the southern sky when Queen Lucy came to Narnia for the first time. My brethren and I watched from our place in the sky as you defeated Jadis and reclaimed Narnia. When the war was over, we watched over the world when the Telmarines came to Narnia, and then when they invaded. Although we wanted to help, what could we do? We were but stars, high above in the sky. However when Narnians began to go into hiding, so did creatures all over the world including the Dufflepugs. They came here to this island. As a star from the southern sky, I had always watched over them and thus I felt as though it was my duty to continue watching over them in a time when being a magical or different creature could get your killed. So, I came to this island and created my mansion. I heard about your triumph over your Uncle," he said to Capsian and I, "and I was content to stay here in my home. However when the mist started and evil began to rise, I knew I must do something. And so, I made everything on this island invisible, including myself, only to be undone by the spell from my book."

Now, it all made sense. How he knew Lucy, how he came here hundreds of years ago, and why the night sky was shimmering above us in his library.

"And here is the source of your troubles," he continued. The map began to move and suddenly an island covered in fog came into view. Even just looking at it from the map made my skin want to crawl. "The Dark Island. The place where evil lurks." He began walking towards us, looking directly at Edmund. "It can take any form. It can make your darkest dreams come true." 

"It seeks to corrupt all goodness," Coriakin went on. "To steal the light from this world."

"How do we stop it?" Lucy asked. 

"You must break its spell. That sword you carry?" He pointed to Edmund's hip. "There are six others. 

"Have you seen them?" Ed asked. 


"The six lords, they've passed through here?" Caspian asked.


"Where are they headed?" I joined in.

"Where I sent them." Under Coriakin's feet, the map began to move rapidly over the water. After a few seconds, another island came into view "To break the spell, you must follow the blue star to Ramandu's island." Sure enough, in his hands high above the island glowed a blue star. "There, the seven swords must be laid at Aslan's table. Only then can their magical power be released. But beware, you are all about to be tested." 

"Tested?" Lucy asked, echoing what I'm sure we were all thinking. If I wanted to be tested, I could just go home and talk to the Professor. I had a feeling any test he would give me would be easier than what Coriakin was talking about. 

"Until you lay down the seven swords, evil has the upper hand. It will do everything in it's power to tempt you. Be strong. Don't fall to temptation. To defeat the darkness out there, you must defeat the darkness inside yourself." 

All of us looked across the room at each other, not knowing what to say. One thing was for sure though. This threat was different than anything any of us had faced before. While before, it was easy to know who the enemy was. Easier to talk battle strategies and talk weaknesses about an opponent you could physically see. This time, we'd not only be fighting whatever was inside or behind the mist, but we'd be fighting ourselves. And from the looks of things, that thought scared us more than any sea monster ever could. 

A/N: For Coriakin's backstory, I know it might not all be accurate (to be honest I couldn't find much on his background), so if I made any mistakes please just go with it for the sake of this story.


The Voyage - Edmund PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now