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The morning at Forks High School began with the kind of tension that could be felt in the air, thick and palpable. Bella and Charlie sat at the breakfast table, their movements mechanical, their silence a heavy shroud that neither seemed able to lift. The only sounds were the soft clinks of silverware and the occasional sigh, each one laden with unspoken thoughts.

Attempting to break the oppressive quiet, Mathias ventured a question, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife. "So, Dad... How did you sleep?" he asked, his tone light but his eyes filled with concern.

Charlie looked up, gratitude flickering across his features for the distraction. "Not that well, Mathias," he confessed, rubbing the back of his neck wearily. "There's a case at work that's been giving me trouble."

Mathias nodded, understanding the depth of his father's dedication to his work. "You're the best we have, Dad. You'll figure it out," he said, offering a comforting smile as he stood and placed his dish in the sink.

With a final wave to his father and a reminder to Bella not to be late, Mathias grabbed his keys and stepped outside. The driveway was quiet, his black Rolls-Royce Phantom waiting like a silent sentinel. As he slid into the driver's seat, the engine purred to life, a stark contrast to the stillness of the morning.

*Flashback to five years ago*

Mathias was just thirteen when the bullying began. Each day brought a new torment, a new challenge to endure. He had hoped for a sign of concern from his mother, a glance that would see past his facade, but it never came.

One day, the beating was worse than ever, leaving him unable to stand, let alone walk home. It was then that Mr. Lee appeared, a well-dressed man with kind eyes and a gentle smile. "It seems you're pretty beat up there, young man," Mr. Lee observed, bending down to help Mathias to his feet.

The pain was intense, but Mathias managed a weak "Thank you" as Mr. Lee assisted him to his car, where another man quickly opened the backseat door.

Mr. Lee's home became a sanctuary, a place where Mathias's wounds-both physical and emotional-were tended to. Mr. Lee's words of wisdom resonated with him: "Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to."

Under Mr. Lee's tutelage, Mathias learned to fight, to stand up for himself, and to carve out his own path. He became a force in the underground fighting scene, his name whispered with respect and awe.

*Back to present*

Now, two years later, Mathias was the CEO of a multi-billionaire company, his fame and influence extending far beyond the underground organization. His tattoos and piercings were badges of his journey, each one a testament to his survival and success.

As he waited for Bella in the school parking lot, Mathias couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from the students around him. He was a world apart, a self-made man with a history that few could imagine.

When Bella tapped on his window, signaling her arrival, Mathias stepped out of the car, his presence commanding attention. They walked together towards the school building, ignoring the whispers and stares.

Inside, the red-haired woman at the front desk greeted them. "Can I help you?" she asked, her eyes lingering on Mathias with an unprofessional interest.

"I'm Isabella Swan, and this is my brother Mathias Swan," Bella introduced them, her voice steady despite the receptionist's inappropriate gaze.

The woman handed them their schedules and a map of the school. "Here you are. The first bell will ring soon. Have a great first day," she said, her smile forced as she tried to maintain her composure.

Bella and Mathias thanked her and left the office, ready to face the challenges of a new school and the opportunities it presented. For Bella, it was a chance to step into the light, to find her own way. For Mathias, it was just another day in a life that had already seen more than most could dream of.

Stepping out into the cool, misty morning of Forks, the school parking lot was beginning to buzz with the early stirrings of student life. Most of the cars were older models, their paint dulled by time, all except for Mathias's car, which stood out like a polished gem among pebbles. Back in the affluent neighborhoods of Paradise Valley, such a vehicle wouldn't have garnered a second glance, but here, it was as conspicuous as a lighthouse beam in the dark.

Bella fumbled with the map, her fingers tracing the routes she'd have to navigate, committing them to memory. She slung her bag over her shoulder, took a deep breath, and grasped Mathias's hand, seeking a semblance of comfort in the unfamiliar territory. "I can do this," she whispered to herself, a mantra more of hope than conviction.

As they walked, Bella's hood was drawn forward, a shield against the prying eyes that seemed magnetically drawn to Mathias's confident stride. She was grateful for her nondescript black jacket, a cloak of anonymity amidst the sea of curious faces.

Approaching building three, Bella's breath hitched, her nerves fraying at the edges. But Mathias, ever the pillar of support, steadied her with a reassuring grip on her shoulder. "Relax, Bella. I'm right next door if you need anything, okay?" His words bolstered her courage, and she nodded, a silent vow to face the day head-on.

The classroom was a cramped space, the walls closing in as students hung their coats on a row of hooks. Bella followed suit, her cheeks burning with a telltale flush as Mr. Mason, the teacher, registered her presence with a surprised gawk. She hurried to the sanctuary of an empty desk at the back, her eyes fixed on the reading list before her-literary classics she knew all too well.

The bell's nasal buzz signaled the end of the period, and Eric, a gangly boy with earnest eyes, leaned in. "You're Isabella Swan, aren't you?" he inquired, his tone friendly yet tinged with the same curiosity that seemed to permeate the air.

"Bella," she corrected gently, feeling the weight of the classroom's gaze upon her.

Eric offered to show her the way to her next class, and Bella accepted with a tentative smile, relieved to see Mathias waiting for her, a beacon amidst the throng of students. Together, they braved the rain, Eric in tow, his questions hanging in the air, unanswered as they navigated the crowded sidewalks of Forks High School.

"So, this is a lot different than Phoenix, huh?" Eric asked, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and a poorly veiled attempt at making small talk.

"Very," I replied succinctly, not really in the mood to elaborate on the obvious.

"It doesn't rain much there, does it?" he prodded further, seemingly eager to keep the conversation going.

"Three or four times a year," I said, thinking back to the arid climate and the relentless sun that dominated my former home.

"Wow, what must that be like?" he wondered aloud, his eyes wide with genuine interest.

"Sunny," I told him, the corner of my mouth twitching upwards in a half-smile.

"You don't look very tan," he observed, a statement so obvious it bordered on comical.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that. "Our mother is part albino," I quipped, the sarcasm thick in my voice.

He studied both Mathias's and my faces apprehensively, and I sighed internally. It seemed that clouds and a sense of humor didn't mix well in Forks. At this rate, I mused, a few months here and I'd forget how to use sarcasm altogether.

We navigated our way back around the cafeteria, heading towards the south buildings by the gym. Eric, ever the helpful guide, walked us right to the door, even though it was clearly marked with a large number six.

"Well, good luck," he said as I reached for the handle, his voice carrying a hopeful note. "Maybe we'll have some other classes together."

I nodded, offering him a polite smile. "Maybe," I conceded before stepping into the classroom, ready to face whatever Forks High had in store for me.

Entwined in Shadows ( Rosalie Hale ) Twilight Saga FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now