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Upon her arrival at home, Bella was greeted by the sight of Mathias in the living room, comfortably ensconced with Rosalie Hale seated in his lap. They appeared to be enjoying a dish of lasagna, if the pervasive aroma was anything to go by, all while watching a baseball game. Her father was settled into his aged rocking sofa, his attention unwaveringly fixed on the ongoing match.

With an awkward wave, Bella hastened upstairs, her heart racing with a mix of emotions. Once secluded in the sanctuary of her bedroom, she collapsed onto her bed, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. The foremost decision she faced was to bide her time until Rosalie's departure before broaching the subject she had intended to discuss with Mathias upon her return. Concurrently, her mind dwelled on Edward Cullen's animosity-laden glare directed at her during biology class. His subsequent absence from school was puzzling—Edward had not attended for an entire week, and Bella couldn't help but ponder the reason behind his mysterious disappearance.

As Bella awaited Rosalie's departure, she propped open her window and settled at her desk to focus on her homework. Engrossed in composing an essay, her concentration was intermittently broken by faint snippets of conversation drifting in from nearby. Among the murmurs, she discerned Mathias's voice; straining her ears, she attempted to grasp the content of the dialogue. She caught fragments of Mathias discussing a secret and identified Rosalie Hale's voice as she mentioned her diet and expressed contentment. However, as the pair moved further into the Swan residence, their exchange became inaudible. Puzzled, Bella tilted her head, her curiosity piqued about the nature of their hushed discussion.

Bella had just completed her homework when the sound of the front door closing and footsteps ascending the stairs reached her ears. Seizing the opportunity to address some lingering questions before he retired to his room, she swiftly approached her bedroom door, flung it open, and intercepted Mathias before he could ascend to the second-floor landing.

Mathias, taken aback, gazed down at Bella, his expression one of confusion. He pondered her intentions, regretting his decision not to continue on his way when she spoke.

"Mom called," Bella announced. At these words, Mathias felt a sinking sensation in his chest. The thought of his mother, a constant yet distant figure in his life, stirred a tumult of emotions within him. She was always there, yet never truly present in the moments that mattered most. The realization that she had essentially forsaken him to provide care for Bella, leaving him to observe from the sidelines as Bella received the maternal affection and support he had once so desperately craved from Renee, weighed heavily on his heart.

Mathias's gaze turned icy and distant the moment she mentioned their mother's call, prompting an immediate sense of regret in her. She was acutely aware of the complex emotions her brother harbored towards their mother and realized she had inadvertently reopened old wounds. In an attempt to apologize, her words were cut short as Mathias brushed past her, striding directly into his bedroom and slamming the door with such force that it caused the frame to shudder. The sound caught their father's attention, prompting him to call out from downstairs, inquiring if all was well. "Everything's fine," she responded, her voice betraying the turmoil within. She had crossed a boundary with Mathias, one she feared might not be easily mended.

Mathias slammed his bedroom door with such force that the walls seemed to shudder. The silence that followed was a stark contrast to the turmoil within him. He was grateful, at least, for the soundproof walls that absorbed his anguished cries. Alone, he surrendered to the tempest of his emotions, hurling objects across the room in a blind rage. Each item he threw seemed to carry with it a memory of neglect, a reminder of the birthdays that had passed without celebration, overshadowed by the grand festivities that marked Bella's every year.

The rain-laden memories were particularly bitter. He could still feel the cold droplets piercing his skin as he trudged home alone, while their mother, Renee, would only ever appear to collect Bella from school. The injustice of it gnawed at him; even his academic achievements were invisible to Renee, who lavished praise on Bella for her report cards while his own went unnoticed.

These were the memories Mathias wished to bury deep within the recesses of his mind, but they clawed their way back to the surface, relentless and vivid. The pain of being the forgotten son was a wound that time refused to heal.

Mathias had no recollection of succumbing to sleep, his cheeks stained with the trails of tears. Yet, he awoke to find himself nestled in his bed, the chaos of his earlier rampage meticulously undone. His room was restored to its usual order, every item returned to its rightful place. It was in this moment of tranquility that he sensed a presence; he was not alone. Beside him lay Rosalie, her hand entwined with his, a silent sentinel in the night.

As he met her gaze, Mathias allowed the mystical hue of blue to emanate from his eyes, summoning forth a blue fox fire that danced into the air. The ethereal flames cast a halo of enchantment around Rosalie, bathing her in a soft, otherworldly glow against the darkness. Her eyes widened, a silent testament to her wonder and awe.

Anticipating the question that lingered on her lips, Mathias spoke into the serene glow, his voice steady yet imbued with the weight of revelation. "I'm a Kitsune," he confessed, the blue fire swirling around them, a visual echo of his unearthly heritage.

Entwined in Shadows ( Rosalie Hale ) Twilight Saga FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now