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Bella's eyes were fixed on the fog that seemed to press against the window, a tangible reminder of the distance between her and the sun-drenched memories of home. The phone was a lifeline, connecting her to Renee's voice, which carried the warmth of Arizona across the miles to Forks.

Renee's words about Phil's baseball tryouts floated through the line, filled with hope for a future in Florida. "If spring training goes well, we might just settle there permanently," she said, her voice tinged with excitement.

The conversation took an abrupt turn when the telephone operator's automated voice broke in, "Please insert 25 cents to continue." Bella couldn't suppress a laugh. "Mom, where's your cell?"

"I'm at a payphone," Renee admitted, the sound of coins dropping into the slot punctuating her words. "My cell phone's dead, and Phil's too busy with the car to notice." Her laughter was light, but Bella could hear the underlying frustration. "I didn't lose my power cord. It ran away. Screaming. I'm a tech repellent now."

Bella's smile was a silent response, a mix of amusement and a pang of missing her mom.

As Renee fed the phone more quarters, her tone shifted, becoming more maternal, more inquisitive. "Now, tell me about your first week at school, baby. What are the kids like? Any cute guys? Are they being nice to you?"

Bella felt a twinge of discomfort, the question a reminder of her new reality. "It's been fine," she said, her voice a careful neutral. "People are... welcoming."

There was a pause, and then Renee's voice softened, hesitant as she broached the subject of Mathias. "And how's Mathias doing?"

"He's got a girlfriend," Bella replied, the words simple but loaded with the unspoken complexities of their family dynamics.

Renee's reaction was a mix of happiness and a wistful sort of pain. "That's good to hear," she said, her voice bright but not quite reaching her eyes—a detail Bella could picture even without seeing her. "I'm glad he's doing well."

The conversation meandered back to Bella's experiences at Forks High, Renee eager to hear more, yet Bella offered only the barest details, her responses guarded. "They've all been really... welcoming," she lied, the word feeling hollow.

As they said their goodbyes, Bella hung up the phone, her heart heavy with the weight of her mother's absence and the shadow of Edward Cullen's intense gaze. The fog outside seemed to press closer, a silent witness to the turmoil within as Bella drifted into a restless sleep.

The morning after her heartfelt conversation with her mother, Bella found herself in a state of limbo, perched atop a table outside the school. The book in her lap lay open, its words unheeded, as her eyes scanned the familiar faces of arriving students. She was waiting for Edward, her mind a whirlwind of questions. Perhaps her brother Mathias would have some insight, or maybe Rosalie had let something slip.

Nearby, the carefree sounds of laughter and the rhythmic thumping of a soccer ball being kicked around filled the air. Jessica, Angela, Mike, and Eric were lost in their game, their spirits high. They beckoned to Bella, inviting her to join in their play, but she declined with a polite smile, her gaze returning to the parking lot. Her expression was an open book of determination; she was braced for a confrontation.

With a sense of purpose, Bella made her way inside the school, her steps echoing in the empty hallway. She entered the lab, her eyes immediately drawn to the spot where she and Edward usually sat together. The sight of the empty table hit her like a physical blow, leaving her feeling a mix of surprise and frustration.

In the cafeteria, the atmosphere was abuzz with the chatter of students. Bella joined Jessica and Angela, who were huddled around a phone, watching a YouTube video. She glanced at the screen briefly, feigning interest, but her attention was elsewhere. Her eyes were fixed on the Cullen table, where only four members sat. Edward's absence was like a silent void, amplifying her sense of isolation.

Another day passed, and Bella found herself in the girls' bathroom, the sound of running water mingling with her restless thoughts. As she looked up into the mirror, her reflection was suddenly joined by that of Rosalie Hale, her hand delicately holding a beautiful necklace. Behind her stood Alice Cullen, her gaze filled with curiosity. The intensity of Rosalie's cold stare sent a shiver down Bella's spine, prompting her to leave hastily, her heart pounding.

The next day brought with it a subtle shift. As Bella stepped outside with Angela, Mike, Jessica, and Eric, she felt a newfound sense of camaraderie. She cast only a brief glance at Rosalie's red M3 BMW as it sped past, carrying the Cullen siblings minus one. This time, Bella didn't linger on the sight; she turned back to her friends, her thoughts of Edward receding like the tide, leaving her to embrace the present moment with a lighter heart.

Entwined in Shadows ( Rosalie Hale ) Twilight Saga FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now