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The morning at Forks High School unfolded with a monotonous predictability. Mr. Varner, my Trigonometry teacher, was the sole educator to insist on a personal introduction, a task that did little to endear him to me. As the hours ticked by, faces became familiar, and the bravest among my peers ventured to make introductions, their inquiries about my impressions of Forks met with noncommittal diplomacy.

One girl, in particular, seemed oblivious to my disinterest. Despite my best efforts to discourage her advances in both Trigonometry and Spanish, she persisted. Her diminutive stature was offset by an abundance of curly dark hair, and while she was undeniably attractive, she was not someone who caught my fancy. Her name escaped me, and rather than risk an impolite dismissal, I offered a smile and continued on my way.

Entering my next class, I was met with the same curious stares that had greeted me earlier. Choosing a seat by the window, I settled in, only to notice the sudden hush that fell over the room. A quick glance around revealed a sea of faces marked by a mixture of awe and apprehension, their expressions a clear sign that I was still very much the center of attention in this small-town high school.

The tension in the air was palpable as the blonde-haired girl, Rosalie, approached with a mix of agitation and disbelief etched on her face. Even in her frustration, there was an undeniable grace about her.

"You're sitting at my desk," she stated, her voice firm.

I glanced around, feigning surprise. "Last time I checked, your name wasn't on it," I retorted, challenging her claim.

"Move," she demanded, her patience wearing thin.

I couldn't resist the urge to provoke her further. "Why don't you make me?" I scoffed, a smirk playing on my lips.

Her response was cut short by the timely arrival of the teacher, whose cheerful greeting diffused the brewing confrontation. "Good morning!" she announced, stepping into the classroom.

The teacher's eyes fell on Rosalie. "Is there a problem, Miss. Hale?" she inquired, concern lacing her words.

Rosalie shrugged, opting for silence over escalating the situation in front of the teacher.

Reluctantly taking the seat beside me, Rosalie leaned in, her voice a harsh whisper. "This isn't over," she promised.

I chuckled, unfazed. "Oh? But I think it is," I replied confidently, turning away to dismiss any further exchange.

As the bell signaled the end of class, Rosalie hastily collected her belongings and exited without a backward glance. I couldn't help but reflect on the encounter as I made my way to meet Bella for lunch. The interaction with Rosalie lingered in my mind, a foreshadowing of the complexities that lay ahead in the halls of Forks High School.

Entwined in Shadows ( Rosalie Hale ) Twilight Saga FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now