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The hallway was abuzz with whispers and fleeting glances as Rosalie and Mathias passed by, their hands entwined in a silent declaration of unity. The air was thick with curiosity and envy, but neither of them paid it any mind.

Rosalie's voice was a soft murmur, barely audible above the cacophony of the school's daily hustle. "You know everyone is staring at us, right?" Her words were laced with a mixture of amusement and disbelief, a testament to the surreal nature of their public display.

Mathias's response came with a low, resonant chuckle that seemed to vibrate through Rosalie's being. He turned his head, his eyes locking with hers, a mischievous glint playing in his gaze. "Why wouldn't they stare when I have the most beautiful girl in my arms? Let them see and understand that they will never have you." His voice was deep, heated, and husky, sending a cascade of shivers down Rosalie's spine, each one a delicious echo of the words he had just spoken.

As they arrived at the entrance of her next class, Rosalie reached out to retrieve her books from Mathias's arms. It was then that he acted with swift certainty, pulling her close by the waist with a gentle yet firm grip. "See you at lunch," he whispered, his breath warm against her cheek as he planted a quick peck there. His smirk was the last thing she saw before he turned and walked away, leaving her in a daze of wonder and newfound joy.

For a moment, Rosalie stood frozen, the world around her fading into a blur. Then, with a shake of her head, she stepped into the classroom, her non-existent heart beating a rhythm of anticipation for what the future held with Mathias by her side.

Mathias slid into his seat just as the bell echoed through the corridors, signaling the start of class. The euphoria of his newfound connection with Rosalie was a vibrant undercurrent to his otherwise calm demeanor. He made a mental note to call Mr. Lee later; the man would be thrilled to hear the news.

As the teacher began the lesson, Mathias could feel the weight of curious stares and hushed whispers. They were all wondering how he had managed to thaw the heart of the "ice queen." He let out a soft chuckle, amused by their wild speculations.

The whispers grew louder until Eric and Mike, two of his classmates, approached him with a mix of awe and curiosity etched on their faces.

"Dude, you're my hero!! But seriously, how the hell did you get THE Rosalie Hale to go out with you?" Eric's voice was tinged with genuine wonder, his eyes wide with anticipation for some secret formula.

Mathias leaned back in his chair, a smile playing on his lips. "I did nothing but take my time to know her within the few days here," he replied, his tone even and sincere.

Mike exchanged a glance with Eric, his expression one of skepticism. "I don't get it, why would she go out with you when I'm captain of the basketball team here and she never even glanced my way?"

Mathias's smile faded into a more somber expression. "Listen, Mike, whether you believe it or not, Rosalie is her own person. She doesn't care about whether you're a captain or a nobody; she just likes getting to know people just the way they are." His words were firm, leaving no room for argument.

Mike's face fell, a mix of shame and realization dawning on him. He nodded slowly, understanding that Mathias's words were all he was going to get—an unvarnished truth about Rosalie's indifference to status and titles.

With the curiosity of his classmates quelled, Mathias redirected his attention to the front of the classroom where the teacher was delving into the day's lesson. The chalk scratched against the blackboard, a mundane soundtrack to the whirlwind of emotions he was experiencing.

Despite his best efforts to concentrate, Mathias's thoughts kept drifting back to Rosalie. He wondered if she, too, was sitting in her class with her mind wandering to him. The idea that she might be thinking about him in the same way he was about her brought a discreet smile to his face, one he quickly masked when the teacher glanced in his direction.

The lesson continued, but Mathias's notes began to blur into a background hum as his mind replayed the morning's events—the warmth of Rosalie's hand in his, the softness of her voice, the way her eyes lit up with a mixture of surprise and delight. It was a new feeling, this connection, and it filled him with a sense of purpose and anticipation for what was yet to come.

Entwined in Shadows ( Rosalie Hale ) Twilight Saga FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now