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To say that Rosalie was shocked was unbelievable, but here she was completely shocked by her boyfriend/mate has just revealed to her. She knew he wasn't human at least not completely but she never expected this. Despite the fear of fire, Rosalie touched the blue flame only to realize that it was cold and didn't burn her at all, she was amazed. She listened as Mathias told her about his childhood, being bullied and meeting Mr. Lee and how that led to him becoming what he is now a badass underground fighter, a CEO, a Kitsune but most of all, a survivor.

I know understood why he never wants to talk about his mother and why he worked so hard practically all his life to prove himself to her but mostly to himself. I asked Mathias if he could show me his Kitsune form to which he hesitated at first but agreed to it. I watched as he stood up from bed with the moon and it's light shining through the window as Mathias undressed before me, leaving me completely at awe and at the same time breathless...he was gorgeous and all mine.

"Mathias, you're beautiful! I've never seen this before, can I touch you?," I asked as I bend down right in front of him with my hand stretched out in front of me, Mathias nodded his head in his Kitsune form, I slowly but gently touched Mathias fu...

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"Mathias, you're beautiful! I've never seen this before, can I touch you?," I asked as I bend down right in front of him with my hand stretched out in front of me, Mathias nodded his head in his Kitsune form, I slowly but gently touched Mathias fur and immediately melted at the silkiness and softness of his fur. The green marks glowed as blue fire sparked around and under his paw, he looked completely mythical. Mathias changed back to his human form leaving me feeling flushed at being this close to his naked form, I turned around with my back to him as he changed back into his clothes.

I didn't even hear him move when I felt the heat of his body right behind me, as his hands glided down my arms leaving goosebumps in it's trail, his voice next to me ear, "Now that you know what I am, can you still accept me?" I turned back towards him as I stayed in his arms and without hesitation said "Human or not it doesn't change what I have come to feel for you, so yes, I accept you Mathias." He smiled as I said that and walked back towards his bed with my hand still in his and sat down.

"I am a Kaze Kitsune and a celestial fox, a rare yet powerful fox....and immortal, I will never age and can't be killed, as a Kaze Kitsune kitsune, I am very fast and command the power of the wind but since I'm also a celestial fox which means that I don't only have the command of the wind element but I also have the power to create illusions, manipulate fire and lightning, and even possess humans...As a celestial fox, I also have the ability to bring good fortune, grant wishes, and provide protection to those I favor...being a celestial fox is the reason I am immortal..I can still get hurt but I heal fast."

It took me a few minutes to really grasp the idea that not only is my mate both rare, powerful, strong and with many abilities but that he was immortal...that I could spend forever with him...but most of all that I didn't have to hold back with him...and before I know what I was doing myself, I found myself straddling Mathias and kissing him with the desperation and relief that I felt at knowing that I never had to part from him, I don't know how long I kissed Mathias for but when we broke apart the only sound I heard was our gasping breaths.

"You don't know how happy it makes me knowing that we have forever together, that we don't have to hold back with one another but most of all the we can truly be ourselves without hesitation nor holding back, I love Mathias." I said to Mathias who looked happy yet vulnerable and I giggled as I peck his lips but before I could pull away from him, Mathias held me by the back of my neck before looking into my eyes and saying "I love you too, Rosalie, more than I ever thought I could."

Entwined in Shadows ( Rosalie Hale ) Twilight Saga FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now