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Mathias Swan took a long, deep breath before exhaling, turning around to take one last look at the place he had called home for the last eighteen years.

"Now, are you sure you want to do this?" my mother asked, tears brimming in her eyes. Although I've distanced myself emotionally from her for many reasons I won't divulge right now, the sight of her tears still tugs at my heartstrings. Standing beside Bella, I muster a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, Mom. I'm sure Bella will keep you updated, and besides, we want to go."

Mom's tears flowed as she bid us her last goodbyes for now, watching as Bella and I boarded the plane that would take us to Forks, where we would be living with our father, Charlie Swan. A sense of happiness washed over me; Forks has always felt more like home than Phoenix ever did. Bella sat next to me, and as the plane ascended, I noticed her fidgeting, a clear sign of her anxiety.

"Are you going to keep shifting around, or are you going to tell me what's got you so anxious?" I prodded gently.

Bella flinched, then fell silent for a few seconds before meeting my gaze. "Sorry, it's just... I don't know how to feel about going back to Forks. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy Mom can finally travel with Phil, but I'm not as close to Charlie as you are, so I'm worried about how to act around him."

I love my sister, Bella, but it irks me how she refers to our dad by his first name. Our parents' divorce when I was just an infant devastated Dad. It was cruel enough that they divorced, but preventing us from visiting him was even worse. Thankfully, Dad never ceased calling or sending us letters and gifts on our birthdays. I harbored no resentment towards him; I knew how deeply he loved our mother. Mom was the one dissatisfied with life in Forks, and I understand that—moving from a bustling city to a small town can be stifling. But denying your children the chance to visit their father is unfathomable. I suspect that's why Bella feels so awkward around Dad; she never had the chance to bond with him.

"Listen, Bella, I understand why you feel the way you do. You never really had the chance to bond with our father, but you know how much he loves us both. Please, try to spend more time with Dad and get to know him, now that you have the opportunity. And don't call him Charlie; call him Dad."

She nodded and gave me a side hug. I patted her head, eliciting a playful slap from her.

"I'm not a dog! Stop patting my head."

"Never said you were."


"But you love me."

I chuckled, pulling out my headphones to listen to some music as I leaned back in my seat, getting comfortable. My thoughts drifted to Mom and our last conversation.

*Flashback to a day earlier*

Deciding to live with Dad wasn't difficult; it was an easy choice. I needed to go, though I can't fully explain why. For four years, I've been plagued by vivid, lucid dreams, and something in my gut tells me I'll find the answers I seek in Forks. I was in my room, packing up everything I'd bring with me when there was a knock at the door. I knew it was her, but I couldn't ignore her any longer.

*Knock, knock*

"How's everything going?" she inquired softly.

"Everything's okay, Mom. I've got it covered. Why don't you go check on Bella? She probably needs your help more than I do."

I tried to keep my tone polite, but anger flared within me. Every interaction with her stirred a storm of emotions I struggled to contain.

The suitcase clicked shut with a finality that echoed Mathias's resolve. He turned to face his mother, her eyes a well of sorrow he no longer felt compelled to fill. "No, you listen," he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "I've spent the last eleven years away from Dad because you thought it was 'for the best.' You never once considered my feelings... but that's nothing new, is it? When it comes to me, you're always too busy."

Entwined in Shadows ( Rosalie Hale ) Twilight Saga FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now