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The diner was a capsule of Americana, with its checkered floors and the aroma of coffee and fried food mingling in the air. I slid into the booth, the vinyl squeaking under my weight, and found my dad already there, a plate of my usual waiting. He greeted me with a nod and a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes—he could always tell when something was on my mind.

"So, how was school?" he asked, his fork pausing mid-air.

I picked at my food, my thoughts still ensnared by the day's events. "It was... interesting," I began, hesitating as the image of Rosalie Hale, fierce and unyielding, invaded my thoughts. "There's this girl—Rosalie. She's... different."

Dad's eyebrows rose, a silent prompt for more information.

"She's feisty, and we kind of got into this... staring contest," I confessed, feeling a bit foolish now that I was saying it out loud.

Dad chuckled, shaking his head. "Sounds like you've met your match."

I grinned despite myself, the tension easing from my shoulders. "Maybe," I conceded, taking a bite of my burger.

Cora, the waitress, came by to refill our coffees, her presence a comfortable constant in this small-town eatery. Dad launched into a passionate monologue about the Cullens, a family I'd yet to meet but had already formed opinions on, thanks to the town's rumor mill.

After dinner, I decided to head home early, the need for solitude pressing upon me. The drive was quiet, the road ahead lit only by my headlights and the occasional streetlamp. Once home, I retreated to my room, the day's fatigue weighing heavily on my eyelids.

But sleep was elusive, interrupted by a cold breeze that danced across my skin. I awoke to find the window open—a window I was certain I had closed. A shiver ran down my spine, not from the cold, but from the unsettling thought that perhaps I hadn't been alone.

The next morning, I woke feeling off-kilter, a sensation alien to my usual robust health. I showered and dressed in silence, the house still as I descended the stairs. The coffee did little to ward off the unease that clung to me like a second skin.

As I drove to school, I dialed Mr. Lee, my mentor and confidant since my early teens. "Mr. Lee, it's me," I said when he answered. "I woke up feeling... strange today. That's never happened before."

His voice was calm, a steady presence as always. "We'll look into it," he assured me. "Just take care of yourself for now."

The phone call with Mr. Lee was a lifeline in the storm of confusion that had engulfed me since meeting Rosalie. His voice, usually a beacon of calm, carried a note of urgency that mirrored my own disquiet.


"Matthias, this is rare," Mr. Lee's voice crackled through the line, the sound of a door closing in the background punctuating his words. "What's wrong? You usually don't call this early."

I paced the length of my room, the phone pressed to my ear. "Something unusual has happened, and I was hoping you'd have some insight," I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil within.

"Tell me what's going on," Mr. Lee prompted, his tone all business now.

I took a deep breath, the memory of Rosalie's fierce gaze vivid in my mind. "Yesterday, I met this girl—Rosalie. There was an immediate attraction, like a magnetic pull. But she's been cold, dismissive even, and now I'm feeling under the weather. Tired, restless... It doesn't make sense."

There was a pause, and I could almost hear the gears turning in Mr. Lee's mind. "Do you want the good news first or the bad?"

"Good news," I replied, bracing myself.

"It seems that Rosalie is your mate. That's why you felt such a strong connection," Mr. Lee explained, a note of congratulations in his voice.

A mate. The word resonated with a weight I hadn't anticipated. But before I could process the revelation, Mr. Lee continued.

"Now, the bad news," he said, his voice dropping an octave. "The symptoms you're experiencing... they're a sign of bond rejection."

"Bond rejection?" I echoed, the term foreign and ominous.

"Yes," Mr. Lee confirmed. "It means Rosalie is rejecting the mate bond between you two. And..."

"And what?" I pressed, a sense of dread creeping in. "What's happening to me?"

Mr. Lee's next words were heavy with significance. "If the rejection continues, it could have serious consequences for your well-being. We need to address this, Matthias. Soon."

The call ended with a plan to meet, leaving me staring at the phone, the weight of the situation settling around me like a shroud. I had to find a way to reach Rosalie, to understand why she was pushing me away, and to mend the bond that, unbeknownst to me, had already begun to weave its way into my very being.

The words from Mr. Lee hit Matthias like a freight train, each syllable a hammer blow to his reality. "Matthias, you're dying," Mr. Lee said, his voice a mixture of urgency and regret.

Matthias felt the room spin, the edges of his vision blurring as he gripped the phone tighter. "What do you mean I'm dying? How can that be?" His voice was a hoarse whisper, disbelief lacing every word.

Mr. Lee's response was measured, each word carefully chosen. "The bond rejection you're experiencing is not just emotional, Matthias. It's physiological. Your body is reacting to the rejection, and if it continues, it could be fatal."

The gravity of the situation settled upon Matthias with a crushing weight. He had heard of mates being rejected before, but never with such dire consequences. "There has to be something we can do," Matthias insisted, desperation creeping into his voice.

"We can," Mr. Lee assured him. "But we must act quickly. You need to establish a connection with Rosalie, to show her the bond is worth accepting. It's your only chance."

Matthias nodded, determination steeling his resolve. "I'll do whatever it takes. I won't let this end me."

The call ended, leaving Matthias alone with his thoughts. The shock of the news still reverberated through him, but it also ignited a fire within. He would fight for his life, for the bond, for Rosalie. The journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but Matthias was ready to face them head-on. The stakes had never been higher.

Entwined in Shadows ( Rosalie Hale ) Twilight Saga FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now