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" Are you scared of me, Van Doren? "

- K.B


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THINKING ABOUT HER LIFE BACK IN RAVKA HURT. Zoya Nazyalensky and her fierce blue eyes and sufferable temper. Nikolai with his quipped remarks and lovely golden hair. Even Baghara, the sweltering heat of her hut, and the scars - trailing across Natasha's knuckles from her cane.

Ravka felt a lifetime away. The feasts around the Os Alta, meeting the little children studying under the king, all passed by in a haze of luxurious silks and one too many bottles of champagne.

After putting a drunk Nina, Alessia and Inej to bed, Natasha left for the deck. Rotty was at the wheel, fingers stained with Jurda and eyes sporting dark pockets. She sent him off to his crib with a warm smile, taking hold of the steering wheel. The sea breeze whipped at her matted hair, ruffling the thin fabric of her blouse.

Nikolai had told her all about his voyages at sea. The people he had met, the people he had killed, all the extraordinary things he had found. He had spoken with a sparkle in his eyes, almost longing to be back at sea instead of the sanctuary he owned in Ravka.

Natasha hadn't understood what he had meant back then. She had travelled to Ravka on a schooner, much larger than this, living off rainwater and cold cut meat the others rationed. Even now, she didn't understand.

They had six days left on this boat until they marched to the gates of hell. It was slightly amusing how this version of hell wasn't a blazing pit of fire but a smooth, glossed plane of ice.

She steered the ship smoothly through the jagged rocks, the small boat lugging up towards the Northern Whaling Points. Jesper had told her they wouldn't face privateer interference.

Their boat was too small to be carrying valuable cargo, and the best thing they'd find would be four girls who'd make a good profit in a pleasure house.

Of course, that would be excusing that 3/4 of those girls were Grisha, one being a secret Shadow Summoner. They'd be burnt on a spit by the Frejdans, and their charred meat would become jerky for passing wolves.

Jesper was just as on edge as Natasha. He paced the deck anxiously, climbed the riggings, attempted playing weak hands of poker with Natasha, and cleaned his guns for the 700th time.

He wasn't seasick like Matthias of Wylen, who still were resting in their cabin. Jesper just missed home. He wanted better lager - food other than bread, cheese and stiff cuttings of fatty meat. He wanted water that didn't taste salty, a bed that didn't rock at the slightest brush of a wave.

He wanted security, a stability that no boat would provide. Maybe that's what Nikolai liked, thought Natasha. The perpetual threat of attack, the wars he waged with the waters. Nikolai had always been the audacious type.

It seemed that Wylen had woken up. She peered over her shoulder - taking sight of the mass of blonde curls hunched over a thick roll of parchment. A copper mug of brewed coffee was on his right, the bitter fumes rising in spirals.

She wondered what other privateers thought as they steered past their schooner - a group of kaelish teenagers navigating their way through dangerous waters?

Natasha sighed, looking out at sea. The land seemed miles away, and all she could smell was bird waste and sea salt. Onfetla had flown away, much to Matthias amusement.

Jesper was by Wylen's side, bothering him with thumps on the back and taunts of his innocence. With each Wylen would either scowl or just keep quiet. The flautist who fell in bad company.

"Where's Rotty?" Kaz limped up to Natasha's side, jumping onto a barrel by the railing. He rested his leg on the raised platform of the deck, watching Natasha with side-eyes. A stolen cigarette was between his red lips.

"I sent him to bed. He hasn't slept since we left Ketterdam," She kept her gaze fixed in front of her, not that there was anything but water and more water to see.

"Did you also read him a bedtime story?" Kaz scoffed.

"Yeah, actually," Natasha riposted. "I read him a fucking bedtime story. I fed him lumps of stale bread, and I even slept with the fucking man. Happy now?" She raised a brow, turning to face him.

"Incredibly," Kaz said coolly. He stalked up to her side until his lips were against the nape of her neck. His breath laced with the sharp smell of cigarette smoke. Natasha flinched, and Kaz's eyes glistened. "Are you scared of me, Van Doren?" he hissed.


"How about now?" He whipped a blade out from beneath his sleeve, poking it hard against her neck. His eyes were a fire, burning and crackling beneath dark brown pools.

"No," Her voice had become more a whimper, the steel blade digging into her flesh. "I'm not afraid of you, Kaz Brekker," she made a hollow attempt of steadying her breath, trying her best not to focus on the maddened glint in Kaz's eyes. Had the sea turned him insane?

His hand was a ghost on her waist, drawing her in tighter. She felt like prey caught in a net. There was no way to get free. "Get off me, Kaz,"

"Didn't you miss me, Natasha?" his voice was plain and innocent as if he wasn't holding a knife to her throat. "I missed you," he said matter of factly. "I missed you every single one of those 1460 days,"

"Hilarious," she hissed. Her hands were still firm on the steering wheel. Her silver eyes fixed on the sea ahead.

"Are you too ashamed to even look at me?" he taunted. He dragged the blade up the length of Natasha's neck, making sure no part of him touched her. A red scar trailed up her skin, a mark that caused Kaz immense satisfaction.

"Yes," Natasha said, breathing hard. "I hate your face, your eyes, your gloves, your stupid smile, your crow cane. I hate you Kaz Brekker,"

Kaz smiled as if he were relieved. He spun the knife back into its leather pouch, tucking it neatly into the pocket of his sleeve. "I knew you had something stuck in your system," he grinned, going to pat her shoulder, but thinking against it.

Natasha turned around and hit him before walking away.


- Finally, the bookstores in London have opened so later today I'm going to Waterstones to buy every single book. If you guys have recommendations please tell me! Anyways, if you enjoyed please vote and comment

- rosa <3

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