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" Inej Ghafa you are my home "

- A.I


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Jesper's voice rang with both concern and annoyance. Alessia bounced from foot to foot beside her, cradling Inej in her arms. She had dropped a line of rope earlier and would peer down every few moments to see if Kaz or Natasha had arrived.

Wylen, Matthias and Nina paced the rooftop, wringing their hands one in front of the other. Wylen had melted down in front of Jesper, blaming himself if anything were to happen to the others. It had taken Nina to steady his heart to get him on his feet.

A blaring alarm chimed behind them. The ringing was bold and brash in their ears, crashing like drums against their skulls. A mounting pressure built in Alessia's head as she healed the small burns on Inej's skin with gentle caresses beneath her fingertips.

Jesper stood at the bottom of the incinerator shaft, spinning the grappling hook between his fingers. He had fashioned it from ductile rods spun from wires. If a guard were to charge into the basement, he'd be giving them all away. 

But he couldn't just leave Kaz and Natasha. Of course, the pair would find a way out. They were like a young Bonnie and Clyde - completely mad, but dangerously fun.

Jesper roared a stifled moan biting into the sleeve of his tunic. He was torn between climbing the rope and leaving Kaz and Natasha for the lions. There wasn't a lock Kaz couldn't pick, and there wasn't a boy Natasha couldn't charm to lose his wits.

They'd be okay. Jesper bit hard on his lips shimmying up the heavy coil of rope. He'd look down every few feet, praying Natasha and Kaz would burst through the doorway.

They didn't come. Jesper swore loudly, the rope burrowing beneath his palm angrily. He could already feel the blisters forming like rocks against his skin. Jesper tried to brace himself against the wall, but immediately recoiled at the heat of the bricks. He couldn't imagine how Inej had managed the climb without a rope.

He mumbled a fresh string of curses as the rope became slick with rain. Droplets dribbled down his cheeks, blinding his eyesight with cheerful patterns of pearly water. He could see Alessia crawling onto her stomach, reaching to pass him her arm.

Jesper excepted her graciously, surprised at the sheer strength of Alessia's grip. She pulled him up easily, dusting her palms together. "Thank you," Jesper gasped, flopping down onto his back. Wylen crawled down beside him, looking like he was about to sob loudly. "Save the tears for the rain," Jesper said unhappily. "I'm already soaked,"

"Where's Kaz and Natasha?" Matthias asked gruffly. He tugged at the rope, the thick snake coiling like a dead snake. Matthias kicked it behind a domed rooftop, crouching onto the toes of his boots.

"They aren't coming," Jesper said hollowly. "We'll just have to find another way without them," He ran a hand across his face, looking up towards the sky. "Inej now might be the time to say prayers,"

"Nina, those caskets sounded nice," Alessia said darkly, stalking ahead in front of them all. Alessia and Inej walked hand in hand, keeping a swift pace in front of them all. "We won't die, will we?" Alessia asked nervously. She chewed at her fingernails, her skin glowing with the effects of her powers. "I don't want to die, not just yet,"

"You won't die," Inej said sharply. Her fierce expression melted out the terrified whimper Alessia made. "I promise on my saints, Alessia," Inej took Alessia's hand in hers, gripping it tightly. "I would die before you ever did,"

"Tell me why that's hardly reassuring," Alessia said faintly. "I don't want you to die either, Inej. That would mean some part of me would die anyway," Inej kept her gaze dark. However, some part inside of her glowed, like a thousand stars burning up in the atmosphere.

"That's nice," Inej smiled.

"Please," Alessia paused in her step, still holding on tightly to Inej's hand. "Tell me you feel the same,"

"What are you-"

"Saints," Alessia cried. She ran a hand through her hair, chewing aggressively on her lower lip. "All this time on the schooner, I've been saying I love you. Not once have you said it back to me, not even when you were drunk," Inej was lost for words. "12 times I told you I loved you, and you haven't said a word,"

"It isn't like that-"

"If you don't like me, Ghafa, just tell me," Her eyes broke, shattered planets waiting to crash down from the heavens. A hellfire burnt in Inej's stomach.

"I do like you, Alessia," She stepped out in front of her, holding her close. Their voices were lows whispers, but in their minds, it was enough to splinter the universe. Inej choked on her words. "Saints, I like you a lot,"

"Not in the way I do,"

Inej shook her head. "More," She corrected. "I like you enough that I'd tear the moon from space for you. I'd dry every river. I'd bleed every last drop of my blood for you. The sky would melt before I stopped liking you. The saints would have to fall from heaven. Yes, Alessia, I still won't say I love you. Not because I don't. I truly love you more than anything in this universe. I'm afraid that If I say I love you now. I'd lose you,"

"You won't lose me," Alessia said desperately. "My home is with you, my head against your chest and my arms around your waist. Home is wherever you are, may it be the top of a bloody palace or the decks of a schooner. Inej Ghafa you are my home,"

"I never imagined I'd have to kiss you all sweaty on a roof," Alessia smiled, wrapping her arms around Inej's neck. The others were out of eyesight, too far into the distance to see them both. "I imagined roses, romantic dinners, all the works,"

Inej laughed, and all Alessia thought was how she would have bottled up that sound and gotten drunk on it every night if she could. "We have all the time in the world," Inej whispered with a smile. As their lips connected, Alessia realised how horribly that thought terrified her.

But Inej Ghafa was her home, her love. Nothing could truly be terrifying if they had each other.

That thought was warm enough for now.


- I'm such a whore for Inessia content it's a problem. Anyways, If you enjoyed please vote and comment. 

- rosa <3

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