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" I'd burn the world to the fucking ground If I felt like it, " 

- K.R 


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KAZ BREKKER ALWAYS WOKE AT DAWN. He enjoyed the solitude of the morning, the quiet start to his day, and the brief moment where the world wasn't so dark. Of course, that feeling would be gone in a minute. He'd roll over in bed, curse the existence of whatever he'd have to deal with and then find a shirt.

But this morning was different. The light streamed in through the window, sending warm sun flittering across his face. He woke up with sleepy eyes, ruffling a hand through his hair.

His arm still wrapped beneath Natasha's waist, and he returned his other hand to cup her jaw. He thumbed over the sharp edge, trying to find comfort in the feel of her skin against his. She isn't Jordie.

The words were heavy in his mind, crushing his skull until he felt that he might bleed. Natasha deserved someone who could touch her, give her happiness and learn all her favourites. Kaz Brekker was never one to go halfway.

His lips slightly parted, the minty smell of toothpaste and coffee on his breath. Natasha nuzzled against his touch, his hand gently grazing her stomach. He did his best not to flinch, continuing to focus on her jaw.

She isn't Jordie. She isn't dead. She's yours, and she'll stay.

Kaz had work to do, orders to give and smiles to break, but he couldn't move. He didn't want to move. He wanted to make sure she slept well, and this stubborn girl seemed to want nothing more than his arms around her.

"Natasha," his lips grazed her ear lobe, his voice deep in a sleepy rasp. He went to shake her awake but lowered his hand, falling back against the pillow. She hadn't slept in a week. She deserved this.

He tried to relax his body, staring up at the ceiling. All of a sudden, this felt like a horrible idea. What if someone walked in? What if she left him for someone better?

He held her tighter, squeezing her arm. "You're mine," he breathed, a smile on his lips. She was his, and he was hers. Just how it meant to be. "You're mine," Kaz, tentatively, brushed his lips against the small mole on her jaw.

"Kaz," Natasha blinked awake, fisting her hands into the cotton of his shirt as she stretched. Natasha rolled away from the window, nuzzling her head against his chest. "Why is your room so bloody bright?"

Kaz laughed, fixing his posture, so they rested comfortably. The bed was smaller he liked, his long legs sticking out the thick blanket. Kaz was always cold when he slept. Despite Natasha hogging it all to herself, she was enough warmth for him.

"Forgot to shut the windows last night," he said lazily. He hooked his arm around her neck, pulling her close until her head was resting against his shoulder. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mhm," she smiled. She isn't Jordie. She isn't dead. She's yours, and she'll stay. "I haven't slept better since Ravka," She turned to him with a laugh, noticing his smirk drop at the mention of Ravka.

"I meant the silks," she scowled, a grin still quirking her lips. "Zoya treated cotton as if it were the spawn of satan,"

"I like how this Zoya thinks,"

"She's scarier than you," Natasha laughed. "You should see her when she tries waking up the littles in the palace. She bangs pots and blows hot air up people's eyelids,"

"Sounds horrible," Kaz yawned, stretching his arms above his head. "Definitely serial killer material. You think she'd join the dregs?"

"She's part of the Grisha triumvirate, Kaz. Besides, she'd do nothing but complain. I love Zoya and all, but she's over the top,"

"I thought you only loved me,"

"Don't flatter yourself, Rietveld," Natasha said, tilting up to kiss the tip of his nose. It was nothing more of a gentle peck. It wouldn't have even be considered a brush. But they both grinned the same, blushes spreading across their cheeks.

"We're back at Rietveld again," Kaz hummed, brushing the hair out of her eyes. "I always liked Rietveld better, much more sophisticated than Brekker. You know, I named myself Brekker after the ship you left on for Ravka, the one for mechanics,"

"You did?"

"Thought it was suiting," he shrugged.

"You didn't have to," Natasha said, choking on her words. He made her feel light-headed and dizzy, not even in a good way. "You shouldn't have done that, Kaz,"

"Why not?" he scoffed. "You weren't there to tell me not to,"

"You did that for me?" she repeated, eyes wide. Natasha couldn't believe it. She didn't want to.

"I'd burn the world to the fucking ground If I felt like it," Kaz swung his legs off the bed, buttoning up his shirt. "Good for the soul," he added with a smirk.

He tousled a hand through his hair, undressing down to his vest. He pulled on a fresh shirt and trousers, slipping dress shoes across his feet. "Quit smiling," he scowled, grinning like a fool.

"Well, I've just got such a lovely view," her cheek pressed against his pillow, her body hidden beneath his blankets. "I'd be a fool not to admire art,"

"When did you get so flirty? It's horribly disgusting and adorable,"

"Natural charm, Rietveld. Now I've got 180 hours of sleep to catch up on in half a day," She rolled onto her side, passing him his cane from across the room. "If anybody asks where I am, say you threw me overboard,"

"No one will believe that," he laughed, fixing his crooked tie in the mirror. The sunlight splayed across his face, and even light freckles had started to pepper across his nose and cheeks. Natasha promised to kiss and name each one no matter how hard Kaz would tease her for it.

"Trust me," she said, her voice dropping seriously. "They'll believe you," 


- Still haven't gone to sleep yet, Anyways, if you enjoyed please vote and comment, they make my day! Also, I know Inessia content isn't in this chapter even though I promised I just couldn't be bothered to extend it to where Natasha goes up deck to see Inej and Alessia. I'm so lazy ik. 

- rosa <3 

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