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the next few days were super hectic. i was filming a ton but also getting ready for the vma's. I'm pretty nervous to preform my songs at this show considering I've never preformed live anywhere. all my friends were invited to the show though which made me less nervous... kinda. my manager kelli also threw it in my face that i needed to get a fucking music video out for my song 'you broke me first' before the show. i have no clue how I'm going to cast and film an entire music video in less that two weeks. kelli set me up with this really nice director though, and he thinks a simple music video would fit the song well which makes me feel better. since the why don't we boys helped me with the song i decided i wanted them in the video.

basically the whole video is going to be based at some giant house party. kelli wants there to be a love interest in the video so I'm still figuring out who the hell i have to play that part.

I'm sitting in my dressingroom on set when i get a call from the director of my music video, dave

"hey what's up" i say

"hey! so i know your really stressed out this week and I've been really trying to not add to that but if were going to get this video done and edited by the due date... I'm going to need you to tell me who to call to play your love interest by tonight" dave says. i know he means well so i try my very best not to sound stressed out. so i start thinking about all the dudes i know out in LA. i don't really want to cast one of my good friends as the love interest cause that will just spark up questions with fans but i also don't want some random guy i don't know. i need someone right in between.

"hey honey you have some frayed hair I'm just gonna give you a quick trim" my stylist named gema says. and then it clicked. i knew exactly who i was gonna ask

"okay okay, i have someone in mind but let me call them and ask and then I'll let you know" i say to dave

"alright, talk to you later" he says before ending the call

"so who you gonna ask" gemma says as she snips the end of my hair

"it actually might be a long shot cause i think he's almost 10 years older than me" i say as i chuckle at the silly idea

"i mean not really, you and darren are ten years apart but work really well together onscreen... it's not impossible" gemma says as a grin spreads across her face

"okay get out so i can call him" i say as we both laugh while she heads out of my dressing room

i quickly search up his name in my contacts and nervously press call

"hello?" jeff says from the other end of the phone

"hey, it's ada" i say

"oh what's up" he asks

"so I've been thinking... since i was on jeff's barber shop i think it's only fair you be in one of my video's" i say gaining a laugh from jeff

"alright i guess you're right" he says

"okay but theres one twist" i say

"what" he replies

" it's a music video and your gonna be the love interest" i say fastly nervous he would now say no

"really" he asks laughing a bit

"obviously if you don't want to i get it but this whole music video is really last minute but i have to do it and i don't want any of my friends to do the part but i also don't want some random person i don't know to do it" i say fastly again making it clear I'm nervous

"okay yeah I'll do it" he says clearly not bothered by anything. he actually seemed to be a pretty go with the flow guy

"really?! thank you so much" i say relieved

"haha no worries" he says

"okay I'll give the director your email and everything but I'm pretty sure were starting the shoot this thursday" i say

"oh wow this is really last minute" he says

"yeah... but it isn't going to be anything difficult or special" i tell him

"alright, I'll see you on thursday then" he says

"okay, bye" i say as we both hang up the phone. that actually wasn't that bad. i don't even know why he makes me so nervous but he just does. and I'd bet a good amount of money that every other girl he's around used to be nervous too.

i quickly sent dave a text with jeff's email and phone number so he could contact him and let him know times and everything like that.

the rest of the day i just worked on the show, when i got back to my dressing room i was surprised to see i had missed calls from jacob and xolo. i decided to just text them both asking what was up, and they both responded the same thing

"call me"

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