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The next day i decided to go over to the c4 house. they had invited a new person to live with them, his names brian. jc said he was a big fan, but since he's also joining the friend group i really wanted to meet him.

as I'm straightening my hair, getting ready to leave i get a facetime call from jeff

"hey" i say as i prop my phone up so i could get back to straightening my hair

"whatcha up to?" he asks as he leans back on his couch putting an arm behind his head for support as he watches me through the phone

"I'm heading over to my old house, they have a new roommate and he wants to meet me" i say

"oh nice, who is he" jeff asks

"his names brian, i think he just started social media and youtube. anyways he just joined the friend group so i wanna meet him" i say as i turn my straightener off and touch up my makeup

"are you guys going somewhere fancy?" jeff asks

"no probably just hangout at the house, maybe get food" i say

"why you getting all fancy then? should i be jealous" jeff asks in a joking tone but i can tell he was actually curious

"franny wants to take photo's, and no jeffery he's gay" i say and i see relief fill his eyes

"you're cute though" i say smirking trying to hide the blush on my cheeks

"okay, well i was gonna ask if you wanted to come over but since you can't, do you wanna do something tomorrow?" he asks

"yeah sounds good, just let me know what were doing and when" i say as i carry my phone to the kitchen and slide on my shoes

we talked for a little bit longer as i leaned on my kitchen counter, but i had to cut the call short since i was going to be late if i kept talking

"alright i need to go, I'll talk to you later though" i say

"Okay, bye doll" he says before hanging up the phone


i walk up to the front door and reach to knock but before i can the door swings open and a short-ish blonde guy opens the door with bright eyes

"you must be brian" i say smiling

"it's so good to finally meet you" he says pulling me in for a hug

"you too! hows living here been?" i ask as we walk to the couch where the others were

"it's been great! i feel like I'm finally part of the group now that I've met you" he says making me smile

for the rest of the time we all just hung out, ate food, listened to music, and took photo's. it was actually a really good night and brian fit into the group perfectly. he is a really good addition to the house.


it was around 10pm now and everyone was worn out which was surprising cause there have been countless nights where we've all hungout until the sun came up.

"I'm gonna head home" i say as i force myself off the couch as i look around at all the tired bodies lying on the couch and floor

"bye adz" oscar mumbles

"it was really good to meet you" brian says

"you too" i say smiling as i say my goodbyes to everyone else before leaving

as i get in my car my phone starts ringing. i pick up my phone and see a facetime call from xolo

"hey bud what's up" i ask as i set the phone in my lap and pull put of my parking spot

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