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"𝐖-𝐖𝐄'𝐑𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄?" 𝐂𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐈𝐍 couldn't even disguise her shock as Cisco tugged on her arm, forcefully dragging her through the precinct's doors as they stumbled down the precinct's corridors after Joe and Iris, Caitlin staggering into the holding room when she froze completely at the sight before her. "I thought it failed!"

"And I thought so too!" Cisco hissed, "but apparently not! So be quiet! And hurry up, we gotta move faster! Come on, come on!" 

"Why are you being so pushy?" Caitlin complained softly before shutting herself up when she noticed why they had arrived at the precinct. 

"Holy shit..." Cisco murmured under his breath as Caitlin's fingernails instinctively dug into Cisco's forearm, making her long-haired companion let out a strangled squeak in protest as Caitlin stared at her old friend on shock. There was Barry Allen...who had given himself up to the Speed Force...seated just a few feet away from them now. 

"Barry?" Iris called out as Caitlin forced herself to take a few tentative steps towards the speedster, who was frantically scribbling on the walls. "Barry," Iris said his name once more as Barry whirled around, seeming to finally recognize his own name as Caitlin allowed her pursed lips to part into a relieved smile when she saw Barry. 

There he was, her Barry ── albeit the facial hair that now covered his face was hard to ignore. Instantly, Barry's eyes met hers and his lips parted into a wide smile that mirrored hers, Caitlin's heart seemingly floating as she felt so relieved to see him right there, see him okay. She allowed herself a breath of relief as she stared longingly at him ── the man who was so close to her, and yet so far away. 

"Nora shouldn't be here," Barry spoke up urgently, shaking his head vehemently as he stood up, starting to pace around the room before Caitlin could even confess how grateful she was that he was okay, how grateful she was that he was alive. 

"Your mom isn't here," Iris corrected gently, "Barry, it's me...Iris. You're home." 

Before Caitlin could say anything, she felt a stern tap on her shoulder as she nearly jumped, only relaxing when she realized it was just Cecile. 

"Caitlin...I hate to bother you right now...but there's been...a casualty...from when Barry came out of the Speed Force. Barry insisted on bringing someone here to the precinct with him," Cecile whispered softly, making sure her words were unheard by the others, not wanting to distract them from Barry's return. Caitlin's face fell instantly upon hearing Cecile's words, eyes flying open in shock as Cecile nodded grimly.

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