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"𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖, 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 don't have to care so much, Doc," Romeo mumbled under his breath as Caitlin narrowed her eyes at him, holding a light to his eyes as he struggled to keep them open. "I'm a stranger to you...and it's not like the accident was your fault." 

"Pupils equally reactive to light," Caitlin commented softly, choosing to ignore Romeo as she continued to walk up and down the room. "Are your ears still ringing?" She asked gently as he shook his head, brown eyes fixated on her.

"Is your friend alright? Barry, I mean," Romeo queried curiously as Caitlin arched an eyebrow in his direction. "You and Cisco were gone for a while, I'm just curious," Romeo added hastily, hoping to deflect the strange look Caitlin was giving him.

"Yeah, he's alright," Caitlin answered quietly, choosing to let Romeo deflect her question for now, "Iris was right. She handed herself over to the samurai guy and Barry snapped out of his weird daze. He went straight after her and now he seems to be in the pink of health."

"Man, I want a love like theirs," Romeo murmured dryly as Caitlin laughed.

"Don't we all?" Caitlin replied painfully, eyes glossing over with a poignant look of sadness that only someone who'd experienced similar trauma could identify. Looking over at the visibly distraught woman, Romeo could do nothing except allow his lips to curl upwards in a somewhat sympathetic smile. "God...we are such downers."

"Commiserating is a nice way to get to know someone," Romeo pointed out slyly, shooting her a halfhearted attempt at a smile, "and it's been lovely getting to know you through shared trauma so far, Doctor Snow." 

"Lovely indeed, Romeo..." Caitlin concurred sarcastically before trailing off slightly, realizing that he knew her last name but she had yet to learn his.

"Chambers," Romeo supplied helpfully, "Romeo Chambers."

"Mister Chambers," Caitlin quipped playfully, eyes twinkling with amusement as Romeo chuckled, nodding slowly, "are you feeling better now?"

"Well, my eardrums aren't imploding anymore so I'll take that as a good sign...they still do kinda tingle a little though," Romeo answered dryly as Caitlin let out an unimpressed scoff. "Okay, okay, Doc...I'll be serious now...but yeah, I feel better, honestly, promise you." 

"Mind if I do a blood test?" Caitlin asked gently as Romeo shrugged, starting to roll up the left sleeve of the Star Labs T-shirt Caitlin had offered him to change into instead of the flowy hospital gown. Caitlin walked over to one of the tables in her lab, opening a blood test kit as she prepared the needle, Romeo peering over at her curiously. "I hope you don't have an issue with needles," Caitlin laughed nervously as Romeo pursed his lips together, shaking his head as she approached him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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