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── hello! sorry this update has
been so long overdue lol! this
story kinda dry because they gonna
be slowburn so <3 hope yall like it
regardless! lmk in the comments
what you wanna see lolll ──

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"𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 straight, you spring this stuff on people and they just believe you?" Romeo asked incredulously from where he was now seated on one of the office chairs Caitlin had insisted he rested in whilst promising to address his millions of unanswered questions. "You guys run around telling people you guys have superpowers...and people actually take you seriously?"

"Don't be such a skeptic! Haven't you read any of the local news?" Caitlin fired back indignantly.

"I don't live here!" Romeo exclaimed in frustration, irate that no one believed he had no ulterior motives, "I don't know anything about your weird lives! All I know is I was here for a pit stop, that's all! I board my bike and then a bloody bus comes along, treats my bike like some sort of catapult and sends me flying! I get knocked out and next thing I know, Lady Gaga's blasting in my eardrums as I wake! Dios mios, I have no reason to lie!"

"You don't know who Barry is?" Caitlin asked, softening her tone as she continued to interrogate him, Romeo's response to her question being a vehement shake of his head.

"You're telling me...he's like the fastest man alive or something?"

"Second fastest...second to yours truly, obviously," the dark-skinned boy, whose name Romeo learned to be Wally, quipped jokingly, pointing at himself cheekily as the long-haired man, Cisco, jabbed him in the ribs. "What? I'm just...trying to lighten the mood, that's all," Wally grumbled under his breath, folding his arms as the other members of Team Flash eyed Romeo up and down suspiciously, the intensity of their gazes making Romeo awkwardly shift his weight from one foot to another.

"You mean...you've never heard of the Flash?" Iris spoke up as Romeo tilted his head to the side, racking his brains to see if the name rung a bell but admittedly, it didn't. He shook his head adamantly, to which everyone in the room seemed to gawk at him because of. Admittedly, he'd never even heard of Central City until he'd chanced upon the city during his spontaneous road trip.

"Like I was trying to tell you all this time," Romeo protested indignantly, turning his attention to Caitlin, "I'm not from here. This is the first time I've even heard of this place! Central City's never been on any map I've ever seen."

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