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"𝐒𝐎...𝐔𝐇...𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐒 your life, huh?" Romeo asked quietly, lingering by Caitlin awkwardly, the doctor busy attending to the speedster ─ whom Romeo realized was Wally after Caitlin pulled his cowl off ─ as Romeo stood by, unsure what else to do. "You just...uh...get attacked by flying samurais on the daily?"

"Well, when you put it like that, it sounds ridiculous," Caitlin replied with a forced laugh, "but yes, this is the reality of life here in Central City ── where we face off with flying samurais...and even that isn't the worst of it." 

"Kind of cool," Romeo commented, shooting Caitlin an amused grin that the doctor returned briefly. 

"No, not cool!" Wally argued indignantly, "especially not when a freaking samurai drives a sword through your goddamn leg!" 

"Stop fidgeting," Caitlin chastised sternly, "I can't wrap your wound up properly if you keep twitching." Upon hearing the doctor's stern tone, Wally stopped moving around instantly, falling silent as he let her tend to his wounds wordlessly. 

"How long until I can get back out there again?" Wally asked eagerly.

"Wally," Caitlin spoke coldly, "he sliced right through your fibula. If you weren't a speedster, I'd be amputating your leg right now." 

"Right..." Wally murmured quietly, "but I am though. So...when?" 

"Think you might not want to push it, hermano," Romeo advised gently, "your fibula's a pretty big deal, you should listen to Doc over here, she knows her stuff." 

"Oh, because you listen to me," Caitlin muttered sarcastically as Romeo smirked in amusement, shrugging coyly at the visibly unimpressed doctor. "As the only one in the room qualified to be talking about medicine with more than one diploma to prove it, you really shouldn't push it, Wally," Caitlin added as strictly as possible. 

"Please, no more big biological terms! Caitlin already kills all my brain cells every time she opens her mouth, not you too!" Wally groaned in annoyance as Romeo stifled a laugh, eyes peeking upwards when he noticed the small smile tugging on Caitlin's lips as well. She caught his eye, noticing the way his gaze lingered on her as she shot him a small grin before returning her attention to Wally. "Caitlin? Come on, you know we don't have the luxury of time."

"Four to five hours, maybe?" Caitlin offered hopefully just as Joe walked into the medbay to check on Wally.

"We don't have that kind of time," Joe murmured fearfully. 

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