Part 2🖇

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< Cierra Janae Jones >
| Dallas, Tx |📍

"Yo Wtf happened" Josh asked walking into the waiting room in the hospital with Zoey

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"Yo Wtf happened" Josh asked walking into the waiting room in the hospital with Zoey.

"Summer got shot" Jazmine said nonchalantly.

"How she doing" Zoey asked before she broke down crying.

"She still in surgery but the doctor told us that 1 hour ago" Jaz said with tears in her eyes.

"How sis doing" Josh asked pointing at me.

"She won't talk to me" Jaz said worried.

I just sat there staring at the window because this is all my fault, i'm the one who wanted to go to the store when we could have just been waiting at the tape. Then the doctor came knocking me out my thoughts.

"Summer Stanford Family" She said that made everybody stand up.

"Right here" everybody said

"Well the surgery was a success , the bullet hit her shoulder ,but we was able to get the bullet out she will just need a case for a few months" She said.

"Can we see her?" I asked her.

"Yes, she's in room 124 and 3 visitors at a time" She said before she walked away.

"Okay we not listening to her all of us finna go at the same time cause unt unt" Jaz said.

"Cece come on" Josh said pulling my arm.

"Naw i'm good , y'all can go imma wait out here cause she did say 3 visitors and it's three of y'all" I said before I sat back down.

"Okayy" everybody said before walking to her room.

< Summer Stanford >

< Summer Stanford >

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