Part 22🖇

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"mamas wake up, i gotta full day planned for us" he said rubbing on her back.

"Ughhhhh but this bed is sooo comfortableeee" she dragged out.

"I know but me inside you would be better"he laughed before getting up.

"huhhhhhhh what did he sayyyyyy" She popped her head up fast.

"Stink i ain't got no clothes or nothing, how you gotta say planned out with no clothes" she said with the sheet wrapped around her.

"I went to the mall this morning and jaz helped me picked you out some clothes for the rest of the week" He said putting the bags on the bed.

"Ohhhhhh y'all set me uppppp, she knew about this shit didn't she"she said with her hands in her hip.

"Yepp and Jay and Prince and Josh and Kianna basically the whole gang but you" he said laughing walking to the bathroom.

"Y'all some fake mfs boiii" she said laughing taking the clothes out the bag.

"well imma be in the living room pick you out something for brunch then we gone get dressed for the beach baby girl" He said.

Cierra was seeing a whole different side of Shawn and she loved that side because it's something new she never got treated this way.

Demon was tryna figure out what happened to him because we never felt this way about a female before he use to that toxic and arguing but with cierra it is just good and goofy energy, so he wanna treat her like a queen.

recap of the day they had....

use your imagination💭

use your imagination💭

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later that night

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later that night ....

"stink you okay" he asked me.

"yeah , why wassup" i said sitting up on the couch.

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