Part 25🧸

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"You ready for your opening" Cierra said fixing Demon's tie.

"Yelp yelp , Im just happy that you will be standing there next to me" Demon said kissing Cece on the forehead.

Giving me a damn kiss on my forehead like imma luh ahh kid.

"You was only remodeling for like 2 months right" Prince said coming to sit on Demon bed.

"Don't sit on that nigga bed her might got all types of spermies on that shit" Jay said.

"You know what get out" Demon said pointing to the door.

10 mins later....

"I wanna say thank you to everybody for believe in meeee" Demon said fake crying.

"This niggaaaa" Jay said laughing.

"Naw im Bullshitting But i wanna thank my gang for believing in me through all my dreams and pushing me to do what i wanna do , but most definitely i wanna thank my wife.....Cierra , Thank you baby" Demon said pointing to Cierra in the crowd.

"Ole shit not him pointing" Jaz said laughing.

"Nawllll for real damnnn that's embarrassing" Cierra said laughing.

"It's time to cut the ribbon" Demon said hold the big ass scissors.

"About damn time" Josh said shaking his head.

•••••••••••••••••Demon cuts the ribbon••••••••••••••••

"YAYYYYYYYYYYYY" Everybody yelled.

"Can we go in now" This little boy yelled.

"Unt unt little fucker i'm going in first" Jay said pushing the little boy out the way.

"Ouuuuuuu this is niceeeeeeeee——all this is you right here" Jaz was saying before Cierra and Kianna cut her off.

•The Barber Shop•

"Ouuu can i work in here" Jay said

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"Ouuu can i work in here" Jay said.

"Me too" Josh said.

"Ion care, y'all can do what y'all want" Demon said nonchalantly.

"Baby you okay"Demon asked Cece.

"Yeah, im jusst feeling a little dizzy all of the sudden" Cierra said looking for a place to sit.

Cierra ends up fainting....


1 Hr later........

"So Doc what the fuck happened" Demon said.

"Ms. Jones did you know you was 2 months pregnant with twins" The doctor asked.

"What" Cierra said with a fake shocked face.

"Frl" Demon said holding Ce hand.

"Yes, We will need to make an appointment by the next week, Make sure you stay hydrated that's why you fainted Ma'am , Call me if you need me you have my number" The Doctor said before walking out the hospital room.

"Why didn't you tell me you was pregnant with twinssssssss"Demon questioned.

"I found out this morning, I was gone tell you and gang over a romantic chill dinner tonight, I planned for us" Cierra said tearing up.

"Mamas we can still do the dinner , don't start crying please" Demon said getting some tissue to wipe her face.

"I don't even know why i'm crying , might be this pregnancy" Cierra said wiping her face.

"So we just tell gang i was just dehydrated and my iron was low" Cierra said.

"Bhetttt" Demon said.

4 Hrs latersssss...........

"We wanna thank everybody for coming out and I wanna apologize to everybody for scaring y'all earlier today but I am more than okay I am great" Cierra said.

"That's not the only reason why we asked everybody to be here, We have to tell everybody something" Shawn said.

"Oh yeahhh , so here we go" Cierra said.

She was so nervous because both her and Shawn families were there.

"WERE PREGNANTT WITH TWINSS" Cierra and Shawn yelled.

"With twinsssssss????" Jaz and Jay yelled.

"Yessssirrrrr, Finna be the best godmother on earth" Jaz yelled.

"Cierra you got your mother over here crying" Cierra's dad yelled.

3 months later.....

Jazmine Smith (Jaz)

So i've been planing this gender reveal for the past 3 weeks, and today is finally the day.

"Jay you ready" I asked walking into the bathroom.

"Yea mamas , you got JJ ready" He asked.

"Yeah cmon we finna be late and we the ones who planned it." Jaz said.



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