Part 5🧸

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< Cierra Janae Jones >
| Dallas, Tx | 📍

"I can't wait till we start our job tomorrow" I said to Jaz.

"Me tooooo I can't wait" Jaz said jumping up and down like a little ass kid.

"What job yall got" Prince asked.

"FOOTLOCKERRRR" We both yelled.

"Now who da fuck loud" Tray said walking down stairs.

"Be quiet we just got a job and y'all gone be able to get discount on some shoes" I said dancing.

"Ohhhhh word Yesssirrrrrrr" Tray said before he started dancing.

"Hell yeah aye yall where Demon" I said looking around.

"He outside on the phone" Prince said looking out the window.

"Oh I be right back, Imma go check on him" I said before walking towards the door.

"Da fuck you going to go check on him for" Sum said standing up.

"Damn Sum she can't go check on the homie" Tray said.

"Rightrttt giving very much insecure" Jaz said mugging Summer.

"Exactly Summer it ain't never that serious" I said before walking out the door.

As I was walking outside, Demon was yelling on the phone , mad as hell ,then he hung up the phone and threw it in the street.

"Ayoooooooo What da fuck" I yelled running to get his phone out the street.

"Here" I said handing him his shattered phone.

"Thanks" He said sounding like he been crying or something.

"You okay" I asked.

"No" He said before bussing into tears and sliding down on his car onto the ground.

"No no no no What's wrongggg" I said siting down on the ground with him.

"My granny died" He said before putting his head on my shoulder.

"Awwww I'm sorry what happened to her" I said finna cry.

"She had cancer , she beat it like a year ago and it came back and she couldn't fight it anymore" He said.

"I'm so sorryyyy , that's where you use to be when you would be gone for some days at the hospital?" I said laying my head on his head.

"Yeah , I told her I wanted her to be here for when I walk across the stage.

"WHAT DA FUCK GOING ON OUT HERE" Summer yelled coming out the house.

"Summer chill it's not even like that" I said irritated as hell cause she been on one lately.

"I tried to tell her but she ain't wanna listen" Jazz said walking up behind summer.

"The fuck you mean , she out here laying on this nigga like they in a relationship or some , YOU FUCKING HIM CIERRA" Summer said on a 1,000.

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