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"That's the thing though, they could be anywhere. We don't have the slightest idea where to even begin looking." 

"They have to be somewhere, they couldn't have just disappeared."

"Men like Barletta know how to disappear, Olivia's escaped him once before, I doubt that he's going to make it easy for her to do it again."

Elias closed his eyes, rubbing the side of his head slowly, the bickering and arguing, the scheming and planning giving him a headache. They had been at it for what felt like hours but a result was yet to be had. 

"We have to try, Sander keep looking." Adam ordered and Sander threw his hands up in frustration.

"I'm fucking doing the best I can ok! Alexia was the one  who usually handled shit like this, if only she was here, she'd know what to do." He muttered quietly and there was silence after that. 

"Well, she's not." Elias spoke, breaking the quietness. "She's not and she might never be if we don't get our fucking act together." He said harshly, a complete contrast to the Elias of a few days ago, wallowing in grief and sorrow. "Sander, we don't know where they are but Luca has other property, other businesses that ultimately still needs to be taken care of. Look through the database for anything we have on him and anything that could be remotely useful, we have to start from scratch this time, we made foolish mistake last time, rushing in blind and it cost us dearly, we can't afford to make the same mistake, not this time." Sander and the other nodded, quickly getting to work while Adam pulled his chair closer to his friend. 

"How are you?" He asked tentatively and Elias glared him, resisting to urge to punch him in the face for the stupidity of his question. 

"All fine and fucking dandy, what the fuck do you want me to say Adam? Aaliyah is dead and we're no even remotely close to finding Olivia, besides, I spent so much time grieving, she's probably dead already." Elias muttered and Adam shook his head. 

"Hey, don't say that, remember she's only dead when we see her body in front of us, until then she's alive, she has to be." Elias nodded weakly, mind falling back to the weeks, months before everything went to shit. Oh how differently he would have done things, he would have allowed Aaliyah to do whatever her heart desired and Olivia, he would have never held that stupid grudge against her for so long. He frowned slightly, remembering the time Olivia had worked in the pub, the pub where he had bumped into Matteo, that was months ago, before Olivia and him were officially together. What was he doing there that day? And why hadn't Luca come sooner if Matteo knew all along where Olivia was? Yes, Luca claimed to have known all along and just played Olivia into thinking she was free, however Elias didn't believe that for a second, Luca had had no idea of Olivia's whereabouts and Matteo kept it a secret, he knew Olivia might have mentioned it and he could faintly remember it having something to do with Matteo falling in love with her but he wasn't sure. 

"Adam let's go, the rest of you guys keep working, we'll be right back, we haven't got a moment to spare."

"Where are we going?" Adam asked, putting his jacket out on as he followed Elias out the main building towards the garage. They got in to the first care  they could find, which happened to be a slick black Audi, the engine roaring to life as Elias hastily drove away. 

"Jerry's?" Adam questioned, stepping out of the parked car. " I don't think now is the time to become a drunk, Elias." Adam joked but Elias rolled his eyes, a stoic expression on his face.

"We're not here to drink dimwit. I met Matteo Valentino here months ago when Olivia was going to start working here, back then, I hadn't seen the connection but now, perhaps we might find something." Elias explained, heading inside, Adam hot on his heels. 

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