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Disclaimer: Violence and sexual violence depicted in this chapter, read at own risk. 

"Olivia, open this fucking door right now! Olivia!" Olivia woke up abruptly to the loud sound banging and shouting, she got up, wincing in pain as she had slept uncomfortably the entire night on the cold bathroom floor. "Olivia, I will not ask you again. Open this door now." Luca growled on the other side of the door and Olivia's eyes widened because it's not like she had intentionally locked herself in the bathroom, but it was too late now. Before Olivia could wrap her head around what to do next, the door was kicked open and Luca stood before her, breathing heavily as his eyes darkened in rage. 

"Out of the goodness of my heart, I've given you a second chance, decided not to give you the punishment you deserved after your insolence and disobedience.And this, this is how you choose to thank me? By playing childish games with me!" Olivia couldn't help but scoff, rolling her eyes in the process.

"If killing a sixteen year old and an innocent man and then imprisoning me all because I don't love you is goodness, then geez, the devil must be a saint." Luca's body trembled with anger at her words, fists clenching and unclenching itself and Olivia knew she had done it now, this might very well be the day she'd die. The blow came out of nowhere and Olivia needed to take a moment to actually process the fact that she'd been hit before the pain came to play, however Luca didn't even give Olivia's body the to chance to recover before grabbing her hair, dragging her from the bathroom into the bedroom. Olivia bit her lip, refusing to give Luca the satisfaction of hearing her scream in pain, she felt the metallic taste of blood as she bit so hard that she ruptured the skin of her lip but that was nothing compared to the throbbing and burning sensation on her scalp as Luca continued to pull. Eventually, he stopped, letting go of her hair and lifting her up by the arm instead.

"That spirit you have in you, your rebelliousness, the so-called courage you think you have, I will squash it. I will put out the fire inside of you until all you have is me, and only me. " Luca whispered callously, stroking her hair gently. He gripped on to her chin, harshly kissing her but in an act of defiance, Olivia bit down on his lip and Luca yelped out of surprise withdrawing quickly. He touched his lip, the sight of his blood enraging him. Olivia didn't have time to celebrate in her small victory as before she knew it, Luca had thrown her on to the bed. Staring at her with so much rage as he threw off his shirt and unbuckled his belt and Olivia knew there was no escape, there was no Elias to save her, there was no one but herself and this demon she could not escape. 

His movements were fast, rough and desperate, grabbing at her clothes, at her body as if it was the last thing he'd ever get to touch. She fought him, she fought him with all her might, angry tears running down her face as she screamed, scratched and clawed at him but her efforts were nothing compared to his strength.

"Please." She begged, "Please Luca don't do this." She cried but Luca didn't hear her, mind in a haze of lust, rage and jealousy, a deadly combination. 

"I will erase his memory from your head forever." Luca declared as he grabbed her legs and pulled her towards him. Olivia didn't know what happened but his words made a surge of adrenaline and anger rush through her, the mere idea that Luca thought Elias was a mere moment to be forgotten enraged her, the fact that he saw everything that he had done, everything that had happened as a mere inconvenience repulsed her to the core and something inside her clicked. Without a moment's thought, she lifted her leg and kicked him, square in the face, the feeling of her feet hitting his nose filling her with a sick sense of satisfaction. She reacted quickly, going further to thump him in the chest with both her feet, causing him to stumble backwards, holding his nose in pain. Olivia scrambled off the bed rushing to the door which to her fortune was unlocked. She ran, ran as fast as her leg could carry her through the hallways away from Luca. Essentially, she knew running was useless, before she could even reach the bottom of the staircase, one of Luca's men, if not Matteo or Lorenzo would have caught her already and dragged her kicking and screaming back to that wretched torture chamber. But what else did she have but to try? All she could do was try and endure the consequences of getting caught because at the end of the day, running away or not running away, Luca would still find a way to abuse her. 

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