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A/N: Had to use a bit of google translate in this chapter cause my Italian isn't that good, so if any Italians are reading this, please feel free to correct my mistakes.

A routine, that was something Olivia fought so hard to avoid, she fought and fought, endured all kinds of bruises, beatings and assault, but still it happened, as the days passed by and slowly turned into weeks, she had found that she had fallen into a natural routine. She'd wake up, hardly ever, thankfully, was Luca by her side and was then asked about breakfast by one of the maids which she always ate in the bedroom. She'd then wander about the room for most of the day, trying not think about Elias and Aaliyah and how much she missed home until she heard the voices at the front door, she'd then move to an isolated part of the room, where she hoped Luca would leave her alone for the day.

Surprisingly, that was often the case, she could go two or three days without seeing him and it shocked her because he went through all this trouble to get her back, only to ignore her? Not that she was complaining. However, one thing was for sure, whenever Luca was around, Olivia felt like she was suffocating, like his touch was poison to her skin, she'd whimper, beg and plead for him to leave her alone, all to no avail. Sometimes, with a sudden surge of courage, she'd fight him, that never ended well for her, the fresh bruise on the side of her face was proof of that. The only thing she could do was remove herself from the situation, close her eyes and turn her head away from him whenever he spent the night, forcing himself on her, taking away her will to live little by little because that's all Luca could do, he would take, and take, and take until there was nothing there to take from anywhere, until Olivia would be nothing more than a walking corpse, all emotion and spirit gone because what was the point. Olivia knew that day would come sooner or later because with each day she spent in this miserable house, with each day she endured his torture, with each day she thought of home and with each moment she missed Elias and Aaliyah, she was that much closer to giving up,  jumping off the edge, as at this point, death was better than the life she was living. 

It took a month but eventually Luca let Olivia stroll aside, not without the constant watch of Lorenzo, Matteo or one of his other men of course, they'd stroll behind her as if she was some prisoner, which essentially, she was. 

"Olivia?" Matteo had knocked on the door, poking his head through, a gesture which Olivia ignored, like she ignored everything he did to win back her favour. If it had just been the punch Matteo had given, perhaps she would have been able to overlook it, after all she had gone through worse, but it wasn't just a punch, he played a big part in Elias' and Aaliyah's death and there was no part of her that could forgive him for that, not that she even felt like she should. They all deserved to suffer for what they did and continued to do and if Olivia ignoring him  hurt Matteo, then she would keep doing it.  "Would you like to go outside for a walk?" Matteo asked and again, Oliva ignored him, turning her head away from. 

"Perché ti prendi persino la briga di chiederglielo? Smettila di flirtare con lei prima di farti ammazzare!" A voice exclaimed angrily from behind Matteo and suddenly the door was pushed open and Lorenzo emerged, roughly grabbing Olivia by the arm and pulling her to her feet.

"Luca has so graciously allowed you an hour to spend outside so quite being a whiny little bitch, wear your shoes and let's fucking go. It's already bad enough I have to be your fucking babysitter, don't make this any harder than it has to be." Lorenzo seethed, his grip around her arm tightening. Olivia glared at him, roughly pulling her arm away from his hold. She slipped on her shoes and then moved towards the door, passing by Matteo, heading down the stairs. 

As soon as the cold breeze hit her face, she could feel a fleeting sense of freedom, her mind was little less hazy and she felt like for the first time since she got here, she could actually breath. She stayed like that for awhile, eyes closed, arms stretched out slightly as the wind whistled past her ears and danced through her hair. She felt herself slightly smile as she tried to imagine herself at Brighton beach, Elias sat next to her playing with her hair, while James, Sander and Adam goofed around with a frisbee. Ashe and Aaliyah in the water while her grandparents took a walk around the beach with Arie hot on their tail, but that was all it was, all it could be, an imagination, one that came to quick end with the sounds of Matteo and Lorenzo conversing in Italian, laughing at each other's jokes. Olivia glared at them, a deviant feeling of rage bubbling within her. They didn't get to laugh, be happy and smile, they didn't get to, it wasn't fair but life, she had learned, was never and never will be fair, it knocked you down and laughed while you tried to get up, knocking you over again whenever you finally thought you had things under control. 

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