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"Eli? Liv?" Aaliyah knocked shyly on her brother's bedroom, peering to see if they were decent only to find the loved up couple sitting on the bed, cuddled next to each other, Olivia's head on Elias'  chest as the both them stared intently into his laptop, watching a film. Aaliyah rolled her eyes playfully, standing in front of them with her hands behind her back as she waited to grab their attention. 

"Damn, I was scared  would come in here and catch you guys fucking, now I wish I had, you guys are so boring! I mean, are you seriously watching Twilight right now?" Olivia laughed sheepishly while Elias put his laptop aside and glared at his younger sister.

"Quit with the swearing Aaliyah, I'm not going to warn you about this again." Elias warned and Olivia couldn't help but coo at the paternal tone in his voice, it was ironic how Elias could be so good and caring for his sister when there were at least ten guns hidden in his room alone talk less about the fact that he had killed about three drug lords, prior to this moment. 

"Yeah, yeah sorry. "Aaliyah dismissed and Elias sighed, sitting up properly before speaking. 

"Is there something you wanted or needed?" He asked, knowing his sister never really interrupted like this unless it was a matter of life or death, well life or death to a teenager mostly consisted of whether the boy she liked liked her back or not. 

"I did a bad thing," She began and Elias' head snapped towards her, eyes wide, scared of what she was going to say next.  Raising Aaliyah for the past eight years had been relatively easy for him, she had always been an obedient child so Elias never really had problems with her, but now, now he was scared that that would all change. Was she pregnant? Had a boy abused her? The mere thought made Elias reach for the gun hidden under his bed, if not for the fact Olivia put a comforting hand on his arm, egging him to let his sister finish before making any rash decisions. "Basically, my English teacher has a toddler and she asked me to babysit and I told her I would, she's bringing Jamie, her son, tonight around six." Elias and Olivia looked at each other, confusion evident in both their eyes. 

"Ok, Liyah, I don't see how that's a bad thing?" Elias remarked, visibly relaxing when he realized his sister wasn't in any imminent danger. 

"Well," She scratched her neck awkwardly, cheeks becoming a deep shade of red. " Oliver finally asked me out on a date and it's to see the new Ryan Reynolds' movie, the last showing is today and I completely forgot about the fact that I was babysitting tonight. It's too late for me to cancel either of them so I was wondering if you guys could babysit while Oliver and I went to see the movie?" Aaliyah said everything in a rush, her fingers crossed behind her back that Elias would just say yes. 

"Let me get this straight, you made plans to go out forgetting about the responsibilities you already had  waiting for you and now you want us to clean up your mess?" Elias raised a brow while Aaliyah nodded sheepishly. "No Liyah, I'm sorry, this is your mess to fix. You're sixteen, old enough to learn what it is to be responsible." Aaliyah huffed, sending Olivia a pleading look  and Olivia responded with a soft smile, gently squeezing Elias' hand, signaling him to lay off a little.

"Fine, how about this. You and Oliver can still go on this little date of yours, however, instead of going to see the new Ryan Reynolds' movie, you'll watch your teacher's child, together while Liv and I make good use of those tickets. " Aaliyah's jaw dropped and Olivia stifled a giggle.

"How is that fair?" Aaliyah whined like a child and Elias shrugged. 

"You still get to on your date, the film tickets don't get wasted, the child is still taken care of, crisis averted. You're really not in the position to negotiate so I'd just take the offer if I were you, it's not like you even have any other choice."  Aaliyah glared at her brother, a look so deadly, clearly proving she was Elias' sister, she turned around and stomped out the room, slamming the door shut behind her. 

"That was mean." Olivia pouted and Elias rolled his eyes, kissing her softly.

"She needs to learn to responsibility and that she can't always push her mess on to others when it's convenient to her." Of course if Elias had known the dangerous turn of events that would soon come to pass he would have allowed her to go on that date, he would have allowed her to do anything she wanted, allowed her to live to the fullest because her life would soon come to an abrupt halt, but he didn't know, how could he have known? So he and Olivia went to see the movie, while Aaliyah and her date stayed back to babysit. 

By the time Elias and Olivia got back it was late at night, Aaliyah's teacher having already picked up her child. Elias and Olivia entered the living room only to be met with the sweetest sight Olivia ever did see, not so much for Elias, Aaliyah and Oliver, cuddled up to each other, limbs intertwined, fast asleep. Elias glared at the pair, his over protectiveness as an older brother and primary care-taker coming out to play.

"Eli, let them be." Olivia whispered softly, holding his arm and pulling him back. 


"No, Elias, leave her be, she's learned her lesson, let them have their moment ok?" Elias' eyes moved between the sleeping teenage couple and his own girlfriend before sighing, ultimately giving in to Olivia's pleas. 

Olivia and Elias went upstairs; brushing their teeth and cleaning up before getting into bed, Elias' strong arm around Olivia's body as she rested her head on his chest. There was silence for quite awhile, Olivia's eyes closed as she tried to sleep while Elias was still wide awake, staring up at the ceiling deep in thought.

"Liv?" He questioned, hoping she was still awake, she hummed in response, tiredly looking up at him, waiting for him to speak. "Do you think we'll last? Do you think we'll get to have children together?" Olivia looked at him in shock, surprised to have these questions come out of him because Elias wasn't one to relay his feelings, especially his doubts and insecurities. 

"I-I don't know, but I really hope we do, I can't see myself loving anyone else as much as I love you." Olivia whispered and Elias smiled, a big goofy smile, and that was Olivia's loved seeing this side of him, his smile, this smile, not his threatening smirk, or the smile he held once he successfully killed someone or completed a mission, but this smile that made Olivia's whole world light up and made her feel like maybe everything might be ok, that she was safe in his arms. 

"Good, because only death can separate us at this point." Elias said, kissing Olivia before settling to go to sleep. The pair went to sleep that night, hearts fluttering with love, oblivious to the dangers that would soon befall them. 

At two distinctly different locations in the world, a man and a woman were startled awake. They both held their hands to their chest, the memory feeling all to real. Olivia fought to control her emotions, bringing her knees to her chest as she moved away from Luca's sleeping body next to her, she closed her eyes, a single tear managing to escape as she reminded herself that Elias was gone, gone and wasn't coming back, the only place he could continue living in being her memories and her heart, but she vowed never to forget him, she couldn't even if she tried, because she had realized, he was perhaps her greatest love. 

Elias in his own room, in a different continent, stood up from the desk at which he had fallen asleep, walking towards the window, he gripped the windowsill tightly as he looked up at the sky, the memories he had of Olivia and Aaliyah playing heavily in his heart.

"I will find you," He whispered, staring up at the sky, "I don't know how, I don't know if you're still around, but I will find you, I promise, I will find you." 

A/N: A bit of a filler chapter, I hope you guys' don't mind it! Please don't forget to vote!

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