Twenty Nine

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A/N: Prepare for a long, action-filled chapter!

"It's happening, get up, it's time to go!" Lorenzo burst into Alexia's cell, fumbling with the keys as he began to remove her handcuffs and chain. 

"What? What's happening." Alexia asked, rubbing her wrists as Lorenzo stepped out the cell, looking around frantically before beckoning her to follow him. 

"He's here, Elias is here. The fighting is bound to start any moment from now." Lorenzo explained hastily as they rushed up the basement's stairs, the area was clear as he had told the men guarding that they were needed at the east wing. This was an absolute lie and Lorenzo had spotted Adam and his men in that direction so he knew they would soon be occupied with fighting them. Alexia didn't have time to process much of what Lorenzo was saying because soon two guns were placed into her hands and Lorenzo had  grabbed her chin, harsh enough to steal her attention but gentle enough that it wouldn't hurt. 

"I saw Adam to the east but I don't where the others are, in any case, find your people but stay out of our path ok. I won't shoot you  but the others will, without hesitation, get to Elias first, strap up properly before you even think of fighting anyone ok?" Alexia nodded absent-mindedly, distracted by the feeling of a gun in her hands after so long. "Alexia do you understand? Get to safety alright? Promise me you won't turn back to fight anyone or get revenge. Promise me!"

"I promise." Alexia said eventually and Lorenzo nodded in satisfaction. "What about Olivia?" 

"I'm going to get her now. She'll be alright I'll make sure of it." Just as Lorenzo finished, a distant shot could be heard. It was time to get moving, Lorenzo had to get Olivia before Luca did or else all hope will be lost. "No time to waste, let's go."  Lorenzo opened the door and rushed towards the stair case, only stopping at the sound of Alexia calling his name. 

"Thank you." She said before running off in the east direction. Lorenzo didn't let her words linger too long because there would be nothing to be thankful for if he didn't get to Olivia quickly. He rushed up the stair case, out of breath by the time he reached her door. There were two men standing by it, relaxed as they hadn't heard the gunshots yet. 

"Luca needs you to come with me and check something out in her bathroom." He said, the men sighed in annoyance before nodding. Lorenzo opened the door, spotting Olivia lying on the bed, a picture in her hands which she abruptly put away when Lorenzo entered the room. 

"I thought you were Luca." She breathed out. 

"Stay there." Lorenzo whispered, ignoring her confused look as he lead the two men into the bathroom. In there he closed the door behind him, wondering how he was going to take out these men without using his gun as that would make too much noise, practically ensuring Luca arriving here in a matter of minutes. "Under the sink, the pipe is clogged." He ordered and one of them got on his knees, grumbling as he opened the cabinets, his view restricted as he looked at the pipes. Lorenzo took this as an opportunity, to wrap a strong arms around the other man's neck, putting a hand on his mouth, muffling his screams. He leaned back on the wall, using it as support as he used all his strength to squeese the man's neck, the man struggled but minutes later he went limp.

"There's literally nothing wrong with the pipe." The other man said, standing up as he wiped his hands. He eyes widened at the sight of his colleague on the floor but he didn't have much time to react as suddenly Lorenzo had grabbed his head, forcefully bashing it against the sink, again and again, until blood stained the once pristine white surface. The man fell to the floor and just to ensure the other man was dead, Lorenzo brought his foot down harshly against his skull repeatedly before stumbling out the bathroom. 

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