Ch 10: Bachelorette Night

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Warnings for drug use, more Clarity being concerning, and I think that's it.  Oh wait duh, also there's gonna be a character death. Kk have fun reading!!


"You're sure this is alright?" Clarity pressed Oliver for what was probably the thousandth time, standing inside his apartment right next to the door, handfuls of feathered boa's and sparkly things in her arms

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"You're sure this is alright?" Clarity pressed Oliver for what was probably the thousandth time, standing inside his apartment right next to the door, handfuls of feathered boa's and sparkly things in her arms. A tiara meant for Iris resting on her head. The Glitch having gone back to 2017 for Iris's bachelorette party.

Felicity was currently working on tying all the pink and white bridal party balloons together so Clarity wouldn't have to static them. Jonas Hunter and William Queen currently seated in front of Oliver's tv. The two eleven year olds boys were hitting it off splendidly well, playing some video game together. Really it was probably the first time Clarity saw Jonas interact with anyone his age with a smile and not revert to an instant roll of his eyes. She'd opted to take the boy with her to Star for a sleepover with William. He needed to interact with someone his own age for once instead of being alone on the ship. She didn't want him feeling isolated and with Sara out of commission and the team all extra occupied it seemed like the best thing to do to avoid that happening.

At first, Clarity wasn't going to go to at all. Apologize to Iris and bail on the event all together, leave Felicity to enjoy a night on the town with the team flash women. Sara was still comatose. Leaving her didn't sit right with Clarity. What if she got lonely or woke up in the medbay by herself? It seemed wrong to party while her captain was down for the count.  Not to mention she still wasn't in a partying mood and not just because of Sara.

Mental health wise Clarity wasn't just magically healed after a few talks with Helen and a single mission, though she was eating again, she still had a long ways to go to get herself into a semi-good place like she'd been in before the barn incident. She still felt like a danger, physically but now even more so emotionally. Who was she to steal attention from Iris or Barry during this time if she was looking down in spirits? The focus should be on them. She couldn't just burden others with her problems during such a joyous time, if something hit her the wrong way, and Clarity could seriously imagine it would, she couldn't ruin such a happy time for her friends.

Engagement was such a touchy subject for her, as well as pregnancy, even caring for a kid that wasn't her own. Rip having all but thrown Jonas in her lap right before her downward spiral. She wasn't his mother, Sara was right. How could she take care of a kid when she stopped doing that for herself? All those topics Clarity knew were going to come up in conversation tonight. She didn't want to risk ruining Iris's last night as a single woman if she couldn't keep it together.

Back on the ship, the more she had stared at Sara motionless in the medbay...all it did was remind her of her mother and her still declining health. Her mom was going to die in that coma she put her into. There was nothing she could do about it. It was only a matter of when. While she knew that wouldn't be the case for Sara, it was hard looking at her like that. It was all the more reminder how dangerous her powers were. All the more reason that she wanted them gone so she would never hurt anybody again. And yet, Zari had convinced her to go to this thing even if Clarity didn't want to. Zari'd said that Sara wouldn't want Clarity to miss out on it. The insistence of Sara wanting her to get out and live a little being enough to push her from the comfort of her sweatpants and into a little ensemble befitting for the wedding party's flower girl.

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