Book 6 Update

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Okay guys so after getting lots of feedback from you all, and mulling it over for a day or two, I've decided that releasing the actual book 6 wouldn't be a very good idea. I got a little overexcited, it happens. I'm sorry for getting your hopes up. Some of you were concerned about things being rushed and others were hesitant about me releasing the book episode by episode as the season goes on as it could turn pretty bad if I don't know where everything is going and it's likely your right. I mean there are so many scenes I have to alter and change and complete and like all of you I don't really have much of an idea of what happens over the course of the season until I watch the episode.

I worked it out and realistically thinking it all over I realized I wouldn't cut a single scene out in season 6. As season 6 won't just stick with Clarity but the other canon characters cutting away scenes as well. I want to highlight the changes Clarity's presence brings in other relationships and how her presence can effect things even when she's not there. Because Clarity is in the mix I have new relationships set up and so I want to focus on the new relationships I make as well. How other characters might be feeling differently about things and other characters now that their relationships with others have shifted. Plus, I think lately or at least in book 3, probably even back in book 2, I've done a poor job with the canon characters and even Clarity. Simply put my writing has gotten lazier. I've been describing actions and emotions less. It's been predominantly dialogue. It's something I've noticed recently after going back to book 1 to fact check and triple check I don't contradict myself at any point. It's weaker writing and you all deserve strong writing to increase your reading experience. I mean you all already know what characters say because you've watched the episodes, I need to start internalizing their actions, describing their locations and movements. It's what I tell people all the time when I get asked to review someone's story. It's a common writer problem, I think and for me not to take my own advice would be highly hypocritical. So it's something that I need and will work on moving forwards in the glitch series. I don't want the glitch series to become bland and boring for you all. I don't want anyone to look at this book, open up a chapter and be bored by it.
And honestly, I should try and be more realistic for myself too. I mean I'm not even at crisis on earth x yet. I'm 3 seasons away from where legends currently is which is very sad, and I'm sorry about that. It was my fault for taking so long with book 1 though if I hadn't I'd have never been able to come up with the whole Clarity was in the JSA plot line. So in a way it worked out and I've decided to hold off on officially releasing book 6. To be clear I will be writing the full book 6 at a later point in time. (Likely in a couple years at the pace I'm going). It -if we judge by the progress of book 2- takes me 8 months per glitch book to write the whole stories and cover the season. This means I'll hit book 6 in February of 2023 I believe. I've come to terms with the fact that I'm just always gonna be behind with it. Sorry.

All of that said I do still want to do something in order to keep up with season 6 as I think it would be fun to do. Not many legends books go past season 1. You get season 2 if your lucky and then there's like one I think it's season 4 book with Constantine somewhere on wattpad that I've seen from time to time. I know we're all already starving for season 6 content. At least I am. So, I'm releasing a new "book". Legends Season 6 Glitches. In which instead of covering entire episodes and writing full on coherent chapters like normal, I'll only be covering key scenes that I feel like writing for that weeks episode. I may even add in some random original scenes that I might end up cutting for the real book 6 if they end up conflicting with anything. But at least this way everyone kind of gets what they want I feel. There's just so much fun to have with this and I think it'll be a good time. Basically it'll be like little disjointed snippets of chapters.

Is this making sense? Yes? No? Maybe? Here, I'll give you an example using a chapter of glitch book 3: the Daaw Dominator chapter.


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