Ch 20: Crisis on Earth X pt 8:

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Freeeeddommm! I am free from finals my friends and I passed all of my classes! One b- and 3 c+'s. Not bad for my worst semester ever.

Anyways enough about me onto the chapter!!


"Clarity, hey, so I know your probably itching to see Elicia after Thawne swiped you from the basement, but Sara seemed pretty worried about you." Oliver told Clarity as they made it back to Star labs. Barry and Kara still scanning the city just in case they could catch a whiff of the Nazi's anywhere. Not that they knew one of them was hiding right under their noses. "It might be a good idea to start with her. Let her know you're okay. I can go check on the kiddos and make sure they're doing alright still."

"I'll get right on that." Crash smiled at him.

"You won't get away with this." Clarity told her dopple. Speaking through thought was about all she could do. Her dopple had a death grip on all her body's motor functions. Crash's lightning blocking and seizing control of her own. She couldn't even make herself blink, try as she might to Morse code Oliver in some way. But nothing would budge a fraction of a centimeter.

"Oh, won't I? According to your memories there aren't any telepaths here and your world's Cisco Ramon is currently out of commission. So he won't be picking up on any foreign vibrations. I probed your mind earlier with reason."  Crash replied, "I know exactly what I'm doing. I've planned for every contingen-"

"Clarity!" Sara hugged her as soon as she saw her. Crash had been caught of guard by the embrace but she welcomed it all the same. How long had it been since she felt her love's touch? "Are you alright? Did they hurt you? Thawne didn't..."

"Sara run! It's not me!" Clarity tried to object from inside her mind not that Sara could hear her.

"Oh, Clarity, you really need to stop lying. I am you. At least I used to be. On another earth. In another life. I haven't been you in a very long time...luckily for both of us, I'm still quite the actress." Clarity-X replied to her earth 1 self. The happiest of smiles on her face at being in the arms of a Sara Lance. Though she knew it wasn't her Sara, and that she was inferior to the one she loved so dear, but she would enjoy playing pretend before she burned everything away.

"No, no." Clarity-X sighed, wrapping her arms around Sara's neck, giving her a light squeeze before she pulled back with a pout. Fingers hooking under Sara's chin. "I'm okay. But the real question is are you? You seem unsteady. That's not like you."

"That damn Nazi with Eobard had some paralyzing trick. I'll recover." Sara replied forcing herself to step back from Clarity's touch. Remembering what Clarity had said moments before she was taken. "I'm Uh, I'm glad your okay. I should get back to sharpening my knives. There are probably a lot of Nazi's that need skewering so..."

"Yes! Sara leave! Now, go away, please!" Clarity begged from her mind.

"Tsk. Tsk. You know you really want her to stay. I know I do."  Crash insisted in reply but before she could make any moves on Sara they were interrupted by Felicity. Crash scowled at her. Instantly annoyed at the interruption as Sara walked off and disappeared. It would look too strange if she suddenly ran or glitched after her.

"Clarity, Clarity, oh my god." Felicity walked up to hug her. But she received a minor shocking for it.

"Stop! Don't hurt her!" Clarity objected, trying in vain to grab hold of her lightning but crash's grip was too strong. Clarity could only watch helplessly as her powers hurt her friend. Even if it was minor, hurting her loved ones with her powers was something that killed her inside. Her greatest fear realized.

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