Ch 11: The Truth of Clarity pt 1

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Okay so warnings for this chapter include slight mentions of suicide, lots of Clarity getting told she's worthless and someone tells Clarity to kill herself (don't worry she isn't going to but like just warning you ahead of time for that in case someone finds it triggering.) And that's about it honestly. So enjoy in claritys suffering guys!


The week following her mother's death had been harrowing on Clarity, her father as well. Their reunion was not joyous as it should have been, but somber. Weighed down by the loss they were both reeling from. Though they'd been slowly losing hope over the years, it had never vanished entirely. Now however, it had. Constance Springs was no longer with them. Perhaps she hadn't been for a long time, but now it was official. She wasn't just comatose. She was totally entirely irrevocably dead and Clarity felt as if her mother's death was on her hands. No she didn't just feel it. She knew it, the hug, the shocking, it all lead to the coma, and the coma only prolonged what Clarity had been fearing since the moment she'd lost control in the hospital room after the plane crash. She'd killed her mother.

She'd gone home right away after she'd gotten her dad's call. Helped him make funeral arrangements, care for the horses, sat on the porch with him and reminisced, did everything she could to squash the guilt that was eating at her from the inside. Her mom was dead because of her. One touch, one touch was all it took, all it ever takes. What kind of a monster kills their mom?

How could Clarity ever tell her father about her powers now? Even if she did somehow muster the courage to come clean about being a metahuman, with her mom dead, he would surely hate her. He was supposed to love her no matter what. That was a parents obligation, a parents promise. But Tyler had made that same promise, he had loved her, and he hated her til the day he died after she'd come out about her powers after keeping it quiet for so long. To think she'd been keeping her powers secret from her dad far longer than she had with Tyler. Clarity knew, she knew familial love, and romantic love was different, but Tyler made her fear the worst. The worst was something Clarity felt she couldn't risk. She couldn't bear even the flicker of a thought of losing her father as well, of making him hate her.

Currently, she was in the kitchen washing dishes from dinner. Lightning was crackling lightly in her hands as she recalled a memory of her mother teaching her how to properly wash a plate. Clarity watching the little soap bubbles float around. Her hands stung from the water hitting her hands, but she fought through the pain keeping entirely silent. Did her best to keep her lightning from crackling too badly. Her father was on the phone. She couldn't cause a power outage now. It was an important call to her mother's side of the family. Explaining what happened, that she was dead, when the funeral was etc. It killed Clarity how reactive her powers were to her emotions. She was upset, rightly so having just lost her mom, but it was making it hard to hide, hard to come up with excuses for flickering lights and shattering bulbs and random power outages. Even the extra static on the old carpet was making her scared her dad was getting suspicious. He wasn't of course, it was all in Clarity's head. She'd gotten quite good at hiding her powers. Which if one thought about it was something that was quite sad, that she felt she had to suppress that part of herself in order to be accepted by those she loved was something she shouldn't have to feel, but thanks to Tyler and all the wrong she'd done, she did.

"They're not coming?" Clarity asked her father pausing in drying the plate in her hand, as she heard her father hang up the phone with a slam so hard he'd actually knocked it off the wall. It's stand tumbling to the floor breaking on impact.

"No." Her father swallowed thickly running a hand over his head leaning against the wall. He shook his head as he looked to his boots tossing the phone onto the wooden kitchen table. The item rolling on top of a chipped spot. "They ain't coming, Sparky girl."

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